Is it just me, or have the comments on Lemmy become extra aggressive over the past 3 months? to – 487 points –

I feel like things on Lemmy were pretty chill several months ago, and that’s started to change.

People used to talk each other like they would talk to a neighbor. Now I get the sense that people have become quick to be negative, attack, and not be constructive.

Am I crazy in feeling like the vibe has changed?


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There are socialists, and then there is a fairly new wave of terminally online toxic assholes borrowing socialist rhetoric.

There is a difference between activism and empty virtue signaling. A huge portion of the online left is more interested in letting everyone know how pissed off they are than actually making the cultural gains necessary to improve anything.

Plus they think the stupidest shit matters.

Earlier I saw people complaining about the Hogwarts game because of JK Rowling. Yeah, don't play the videogame based on the book series that was written by a transphobe. Cause somehow that means the videogame and it's developers are all transphobic too?

Someone should tell them transphobic people breathe oxygen, maybe they'll suffocate themselves as activism.

I mean I boycott products if I don't agree where the money is going. Nestle, Amazon, Israel (BDS), etc etc. Everyone who has the capacity should at the very least try to avoid funding people and projects they think are detrimental to life.