Shopping list software to – 36 points –

Hi. Does anyone have any recommendations for FOSS shopping list software for android, which has a "sync" feature so that it can be used by the whole family?

I currently rely on workflowy, and - while it works great - I'd really rather use something that was open source. Thanks in advance.


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I use tasks and set up a self hosted caldav instance. I think if you donate to tasks they'll do the syncing for you too? Don't quote me on that though

Thanks - I'll look those up. I am more than happy to pay for a small subscription or make a donation, this kind of service would definitely be worth it. I do have a server though, so it would also be ok to self-host. (But the more automatic it is, and less maintenance I have to do, the better.. ) :)

I'd second a selfhosted dav too. Recommending Baikal. But it needs a lil bit of "work".

Yet, if FOSS is more a wish than a requirement: Try Bring. "free", syncs and has an api to get it connected to smart-home or whatever. Definately the easiest thing.