7 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yesssss. I love this game. I think I need to get back to it some time.

As someone also starting to get into Linux I appreciate these posts

Perhaps other people have said it but this is the quote I'm familiar with:
"The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."

James Nicoll

Welcome. I just started using linux recently myself and have been loving it. I would Definitely recommend checking out all the desktop environments to see what works best for you! I've done a bit of shopping and I think I've landed on KDE, myself.
Good luck with the transition!

I just installed 6 months ago and I don't feel any need or desire to do a full reinstall if I can avoid it

Thank you for keeping these up. I enjoy seeing these threads a lot.

As to stardew, I've only played a little bit, never past the first season pretty much. I'm not one to play it solo and group session always die very quickly. When most of my friends are unemployed or don't work full 9-5, it's hard to coordinate with them.

That all said, I love this game and it does so much right and Dev is awesome. This game feels to me like a lot of what game companies should strive to be.

LEMMiNO is extremely good. His older content is neat but his newer stuff is highly polished 30 min-1 hour ish long documentaries on miscellaneous mysteries like Jack the ripper or DB Cooper

The one game I will never stop gushing praise for is crosscode. Not a short game by any means but it's taken my number 1 spot handedly.

As an aside, pseudoregalia is an excellent game and I'm glad it made it onto this list or yours.

That's great. Thanks a bunch. That's what I was thinking but glad to get clarification

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Nice touch adding people's comments in the original post. Doing gods work here

I played hl2 a long time ago (at least 10 years). It was a really good game when I played it and I suspect it will stand the test of time for a long while still.
That said, its not Something I'm especially interested in revisiting personally

That does seem to be the case. That makes a fair amount of sense. Thanks for the extra input :)

You're right. I spent a few hours trying to fix it before giving up and determined that reinstalling would be quicker lol

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I was literally just looking this up 30 minutes ago. Incredible timing. Thanks for sharing

I was about to say... I don't wanna touch the one from '79 with a 10 foot pole lol. They may be indestructible, but at what cost

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Quick tip to add to all the other advice: if Linux give you a warning, please read it carefully. Its not windows where you can safely blow through warnings. Otherwise, use it and enjoy!

I feel your pain :P
I'm almost done getting everything back, I think!

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This makes sense. Will this nuke any config files I have set up already?

Thanks for the suggestions!

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I just wanted to add that STS is a spectacular game and I hope you enjoy. Its a very challenging game but you learn pretty quickly.

If you run into issues and want advice there's a bunch online but I'd love to help if you need it. Best of luck to you :)

This series is really good. The second game is the only one I've ever preordered. I also bought and played through the enhanced edition right before it came out.

Like a handful of other people in this thread, I found the shift in combat to be a bit jarring, making the game focus a bit more on combat in general. That said, the original combat which was certinaly required was very uninteresting -- mashing 1 button until their HP hit 0 -- so the shift to the newer system wasn't completely unwelcome.

The music and visuals of this game are incredible as well. Both probably in the top 5 of games for me.

TBH, I don't really super feel like moving around since I now have something that works. While I do like setting up an environment, I can't say I wouldn't rather use it than set it up :P

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I just set up my own domain for e-mail and I use aliases for signups. Why would I use an alias for my main email if I have my domain? Just trying to figure out if I should be thinking about setting that up

I use tasks and set up a self hosted caldav instance. I think if you donate to tasks they'll do the syncing for you too? Don't quote me on that though

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I seem to have the nvidia drivers working without having had to fuss too much. I think I may have tried running games before rebooting after graphics drivers were installed because I tried just now and it worked completely fine with the same framerate as on windows!

I use vscode with vim plugin. I find this to be a pretty great combo, for me at least

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This game is my favourite of all time. The characters in this game are incredible, along with each of the gameplay components. Cannot recommend checking the game out more.

I have never player any of these games but they seem really fun and I think a bit goofy at times too?

As a recommendation for another discussion topic: ori series?

Thank you for making these posts. I think it was a really good idea and creates some fun discourse :)

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Hey. Seemingly the app won't let me log into an instance I've tried,, and Any ideas?

Editing to add that this app looks really nice! I think my only complaint is that collapsed comments are bright green, unless I'm missing the option to change that

Edit: I am dumb and did not think to scroll further lol oops

Edit: I successfully logged in using username rather than password. That said, the app crashes every time I try to view my profile

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Thanks for the suggestion. I'll have to look into Proton GE sometime

I don't mean to support amazon in this, but the article outlines them promoting their own products over others? Unless the buy box implies something other than "we would like you to buy this", I dont really understand the issue with that particular point

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Yeah I found that. I just updated my original reply. Thanks :)

I'm getting back into the witcher 3 horse. Ive played it on and off over the years but never completed it. I'm looking forward to putting more time into it because its a really cool game so far

I'm not sure what was wrong with the opensuse install, since I'm pretty sure I got the nvidia drivers to work, but I definitely have everything working with nvidia on fedora

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I made the switch at the start of the year out of curiosity. I had worked for QNX as a student and though that I should have had a better understanding of the system, so I started using WSL for all my programming.

Then joined Lemmy in the summer and that increased my interest in trying it out full time. I was also getting increasingly disappointed with Windows pushing updates for Win11 and features like onedrive.

I've been super happy with it so far. I've gotten way more familiar with my OS and it's been such a huge shift in perspective for me to be able to shape the way the OS works to my workflow rather than the inverse.

I just did a kernel update. I'm gonna see if that fixes it, but enabling the SSH server is a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion

I'd love to see some input on this myself lol

Most games so far I haven't had to tinker with. I just switched a few months ago and it's been smooth sailing. That said, I can't speak to using any photo editing software.

I'm keeping windows on my computer now for a piece of software for programming my non-custom keyboard and other miscellaneous windows only things like updating Xbox controller firmware. But it has been a blast and being able to make the PC work for me instead of the other way around has been an extremely positive experience.

That's my issue. I didn't realize it was a pre-release. That makes sense. Thanks a bunch!

I updated kernel just now and maybe that will fix it. If not, then I will try reading the logs. Any ideas as to what to look for? I looked briefly through journalctl and I wasn't really too sure what to keep an eye out for. I know red is bad, but everything in red that I looked for didn't seem related (mostly networking stuff)

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Most native English speakers tend to take blunt statements/questions negatively due to the culture (especially true in north America).

I enjoyed reading the article but I would agree with the above commenter that it may be a bit lengthy. Generally speaking writing tends to be more engaging in this format if it's a bit more concise, both as a whole and on a per sentence basis.
There was also a typo somewhere, I think "the" instead of another word, I read the article a few hours ago now so I can't remember, sorry. I don't think I would have guessed you were not a native English speaker from the article. Overall, I liked it and congratulations on putting something out there!