Removing GNOME packages from KDE install to – 26 points –

I installed GNOME on my KDE fedora install some time ago not realizing it would litter my install with gnome apps. Wondering if there's a safe and easy way to remove them. Everyone online seems to say that removing a DE risks uninstalling a lot of stuff and thought I should ask here to be sure.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


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This makes sense. Will this nuke any config files I have set up already?

Thanks for the suggestions!

Hey op, after doing reading, I'm confident you can just dnf remove @gnome-desktop. The .config files will not be impacted. Applications with overlapping KDE dependencies will belong to two groups, and the operation will keep the ones that include the KDE group. I still recommend a backup.

Thanks so much for the information! I really appreciate it. I'll see about doing that when I get home tonight

It shouldn't but I'm hesitant to say it won't. Back up all the things you don't want to lose, this is not a risk free maneuver. However in my limited experience it was the opposite - it'll remove the applications, but you will still have now-useless config files from the removed environment in place taking up space.

No. all KDE config is in the home directory except maybe some SDDM stuff, which should be trivial to reconfigure if needed.