Chicken cooking rule to – 226 points –

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My friend, you have no idea how much time I have spent searching for something like this on google. This is incredibly useful. I have saved this to my camera roll.

Naturally searching anything with “chicken” and “cook” present returns hundreds of recipe websites or food safety “articles” that all copy and paste “the fda says 165” with no further thought.

I knew a chart like this must exist, but had given up the search. Sincerely, thank you.

Look up sous vide cooking times, those people are obsessed with finding the minimum amount of time to cook any given thing at any given temperature. "If you're willing to cook your chicken for 4 hours, you can cook at 130 F. I don't recommend it, because it has the texture of raw chicken, but you can."

This sounds incredible and I absolutely will find these people. Cooking my porkchops to a lower temperature and letting them rest before eating has changed my life.

Trueee. Just today I cooked a steak at 130 for 24 hours, and it was incredible (but since it was a blade, the connective tissue was still pretty tough, so I'm gonna try the other one from the pack at a higher temp to break it down)

Not OP but it warms my heart (though not enough to pasteurized it) to see that some good can come out of shitposting after all.

If you wait to pull your chicken off until you confirm a 165F internal it's already over cooked 😭

c-camera roll?

Phone picture album roll? Photo reel? Downloads folder! But on a phone. Apple hates calling things folders idk lol