French regulator fines Amazon $35 million over its surveillance system of warehouse workers

Lee to – 518 points –
French regulator fines Amazon $35 million over its surveillance system of warehouse workers | TechCrunch

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They reported 9.9 billion in profit for their third quarter last year, so I think 458 minutes of profit from that quarter.

I assumed 90 days in the quarter, or 129,600 minutes.

So dollar or minute wise, that comes out to a 00.35% penalty to that quarter.

Edit: Which isn't even close to the 36 minutes in that article, so I'd err on me being the wrong one.

Edit 2: I think I see the difference, I was looking at their profit, not their revenue.

Your calculations look right to me. That's a little under eight hours of profit.

We need percentage based fees....
Make it a 10% of the quartely gross or something depending on the severity.