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What's actually news worthy is that TSA managed to catch this. Their success rate is abysmal, so I'm sure this is a big confidence boost for them.

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I think the big takeaway is that there are no sides to the matter, even if it's easier to empathize with one over the other, so the meme still stands on the empathy part.

The "antagonist" of the whole thing is that they both failed to communicate with each other. Which isn't weird, Max is a teenager experiencing a lot of stuff for the first time, and Goofy is scared for his relationship with his son, having to be a single dad, and never raising a teenager before.

The major issue at hand is that Goofy might as well be a minor deity of extreme luck (good and bad), so normal child/parent friction turns into being attacked by Bigfoot while later becoming an integral part of a huge concert.

For a while there was a persistent myth that black people had an extra muscle in their leg that allowed them to perform better at sports.

It's kind of similar to phrenology in trying to justify racism.

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The guards that patrol the ice wall.

Entirety of NASA. Entirety of NOAA. Meteorologists. Cartographers. Everyone who works on Google Earth. Every engineer who works on satellites, rockets, and planes. Physicists.

However, I do think 10% is probably too high an estimate. While these are a lot of people in a lot of areas, they represent pretty small demographics each.

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Subsistence wage is what you are thinking of, to meet basic biological necessities. A living wage allows for moderate comfort, because there is more to living than just surviving.

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In my opinion, when you prioritize money over values, it's just bigotry with more steps.

At least the end result is the same, even if the motivation is potentially different.

Even allowing for the unproven assertion that souls exist, at no point does that soul obligate giving up bodily autonomy.

You can't use organs from corpses without permission, you can't force a drunk driver to provide an organ to a kid they ran over, you can't force a parent to donate an organ to their own child. All of these things would save "souls" but is hardly part of pro-forced birth platforms.

And if fetuses have souls, that would surely make the Christian god the true murderer as 10 to 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages, but the Christian god is held to a lower moral standard than human beings by pro-forced birthers. And the governments that reject welfare programs are also held to lower moral standard for some reason, as well.

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They reported 9.9 billion in profit for their third quarter last year, so I think 458 minutes of profit from that quarter.

I assumed 90 days in the quarter, or 129,600 minutes.

So dollar or minute wise, that comes out to a 00.35% penalty to that quarter.

Edit: Which isn't even close to the 36 minutes in that article, so I'd err on me being the wrong one.

Edit 2: I think I see the difference, I was looking at their profit, not their revenue.

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As horrendous as this ruling is, I'm also pissed at the pro-forced birthers that are upset by this ruling. It's so intellectually dishonest to object to this ruling when it uses the same justifications they use to oppose abortion.

These people pick issues to be passionate on but never actually put in the effort to research. And not just whether their position makes any sense, but what the downstream effects of the position would mean.

The politicians who write these anti-abortion laws are even more lazy. This is literally their job and they should have seen this coming. They could have put in exceptions for IVF from the get-go but they didn't, because they are more interested in winning points than writing effective legislation.

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Hallucinations while half-asleep are a well known phenomenon, so it's very possible.

If you're trying to know for certain, that's harder. You'll have to consider a lot of things. Not all of them are likely, so how much digging you do is dependent on how concerned you are.

Do you live alone? I assume you do, or already asked the people you live with.

Are all your exterior doors and windows locked? Is anything missing or out of place? I think you'd have already noticed if you'd been robbed, but this is easy stuff to rule out.

Do you have functioning Carbon Monoxide detectors? Do you have sleep apnaea? CO can lead to memory loss, sleep apnaea can contribute to sleep paralysis.

Have you seen your door open while half asleep before? If this is recurring, you can do things like place hairs in the door that will fall if it opens.

Have you done a sleep study? This can help determine if your REM cycle is frequently disrupted and if you need something like a CPAP.

I saw someone complaining that the old X-men show was at least subtle and not in your face about how it approached social issues.

This was in response to a clip from the old X-men show of a bunch of anti-mutant brownshirts in armbands getting mad that a filthy mutant was touching a human woman.

I think it's safe to say that person was not arguing in good faith.

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I like Vesper (2022) as one of the few I know of that focuses on biological technology, and it is part of the story as opposed to a backdrop.

There's a lot of body horrror/Cronenburg stuff I like that gets close. Stuff like The Fly, Testuo the Iron Man, Videodrome, etc. But that's focused more on the "wouldn't this be fucked up?" than the exploration of biotech.

Repo Men (2010) and Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) have a strong focus on the commoditization of the human body and organs especially. Gattaca (1997) is a little similar in that genetic therapy is important to society. And The Island (2005) is centered on cloning. Of these four, I like Repo! the most, but for other reasons than its take on Biopunk.

eXistenZ (1999) is probably Cronenburg's most straight forward take of biology as technology, as opposed to just a source of horror, but I haven't actually watched this one yet.

District 9 (2009) and Akira (1988) have situations that cause massive biological change, but not centered on Biopunk in my opinion.

The Blade Runner films, despite being the posterboys of Cyberpunk film, have a lot of potential considering that at the end of the day Replicants are biological. Splice (2009) at least focuses on the actual development of new biological technology, but winds up being more of a Frankenstein tale than anything.

The Alien universe has hints of this with the Space Jockeys, xenomorphs, and androids. But it's not ubiquitous.

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If they can't give a reason that's internally consistent why should I believe them?

Way worse than break his neck, he outright accidentally shoots himself in the head.

And then it was insane that the zombies can magically tell if someone is specifically terminally ill and then will actively avoid them.

I'd never heard of Subsync before and I've just spent the last two hours fixing so many subtitles.

I'd had good results using SubtitleEdit to offset subs and set sync points before, but this tool is on another level. I might actually need to go back and use it to polish up a few subtitles that I got mostly right, but not quite.

There may be a better way, but I use the option to extract the file to a new folder with the same name as the zip file.

It's white man's burden BS slipping back in, where people (like Robert E. Lee) would say "We don't want to enslave these people, it's just our duty to civilize them."

I assume it's some kind of mechanism for maintaining their cognitive dissonance.

It is a little refreshing compared to blanket denial and insisting the "true" racists are the people who call him out. Or crocodile tears and insisting "that's not who I am".

But yea, still not good.

I'm usually fine giving the benefit of the doubt, but this comment was in direct response to a scene from the show that was absolutely blatant, so they had to wilfully ignore that.

Because the millions for Ukraine accounts for civilian casualties, not purely military. For anything similar Ukraine would have to counter invade Russia and launch artillery at residential areas.

Even if we assume the worst of Ukraine's intent, they wouldn't have the capability to go beyond securing their borders.

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How did you come to the calculation of millions of Russians?

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You're moving goalposts here. You said millions of Russians would die if Ukraine was given aid and I asked how you determined that number. By the same token, Russia should simply surrender.