Doomsday Clock 2024 time update says humanity is as close as ever to global catastrophe to World – 145 points –
Doomsday Clock 2024 time update says humanity is as close as ever to global catastrophe

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The clock is supposed to be about impending doom.

Which I've already clarified is ridiculous and unhelpful even if a crisis deserves our utmost attention. That's on both a pragmatic and a psychological level. If you want a long series of continuous eye rolls, by all means continue telling people the sky is literally falling.

Slow moving disasters can include many things and I used climate change as an example. But there are many others.

None of which include global annihilation as even a remote possibility.

Disease, blight and even an asteroid if it’s big enough.

Do you think telling people we're seconds from an asteroid hitting will help them do literally anything? What if you tell them that every single day for 40 years? Do you think it'll help them more in 40 years than it does today?

Since you completely avoided meaningfully responding to literally anything I just wrote and fell back on repeating yourself as if I somehow don't understand English, I'll bow out here. Enjoy your masturbatory doom fetish.

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