Sony CEO Says PlayStation's Gaming Future Will Be On PC, Mobile, And Cloud

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 128 points –
Sony CEO Says PlayStation's Gaming Future Will Be On PC, Mobile, And Cloud - Insider Gaming

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I'm struggling to even understand what he's saying. Is the Why supposed to be While?? I read it two different ways...

  1. "While PlayStation will remain our core product, we will expand our gaming experiences to PC, mobile, and cloud."


  1. "[The reason] Why PlayStation [games] will remain our core product [is] we will expand our gaming experiences to PC, mobile, and cloud."

is definitely "while" in the context of the interview

Definitely what I thought, but the article putting the [is] in there messed it all up.

Probably an accent issue and a misinterpretation.

It's a reasonable mistake, imo.

I think they got that from the youtube text transcription

poor proofchecking/proofreading on their part