0 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Providing possible solutions to stated problems is the only quality discourse

Fuck apple beyond words for creating a bully situation with children because of their fucked UX design and unwillingness to simply release their own iMessage app for android.

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Wait, the guy who claimed to be for the environment was on the board of a company that contributes unnecessary e-waste by not allowing their hardware to last its rightful lifespan?? Wish I could say I was shocked...

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The best part...

After hearing the sound of the acorn, the deputy reported that he also felt a “tingliness” all along the side of his body. He then said his “legs just give out” and he fell to the ground, assuming that he had been seriously injured by something.

We experience what we believe... Our minds are so incredibly capable of deceiving us.

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But seriously, no offense meant at all. As someone who grew up "in the time period" in southern California the term "dude" is inescapable, regardless of gender. Trying to remove that from my vocabulary would be akin to removing "whoa" or "wow"... (I have zero issues with pronoun preferences)

If the image reference is missed, please give The Big Lebowski a view. It's not necessarily for everyone but it's such a gem.

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Fuck intuit

“Most Americans have no idea why Putin invaded Ukraine or what his goals are now,”


This book is so good, if you have not read it please do. The audiobook is narrated by the author.

-- Gen x northern European dude


It solved things for them.

image of women lined up across a road holding a sign for women's suffrage

Record profits

Record debt

Record interest rates

So highhhhhh

R&D for a jet or tank is significantly more. To not throw out nonsense some quick googling told me the R&D just for an upgrade of the Abrams tank (which is old) is $650m and the total R&D of the F22 jet over two decades was $32B....

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Mom's gonna fix it all soon...


FLAC's on NAS. Bluesound Node to stereo system, controlled with Roon. PlexAmp when remote.

Tidal is actually giving their lossless plan to their lower tier subscription, just got an email about it. Pretty nice.

Shocked I say, shocked

Garlic bread rules

No, it's not (remove the i)

And ask for another best sandwich

Ahhh... Yeah definitely a bad idea to advertise you're breaking the TOS on a public website

They're talking about why we're in this situation, supply and demand. New homes are not being built at the rate of population growth and have been trending down for quite some time. But yes hyperbole doesn't help.

please explain images? Also third party mobile app made it impossible to reply to your message (not your issue) but context is always helpful.

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Democratic socialists argue that capitalism is inherently incompatible with the values of freedom, equality, and solidarity and that these ideals can only be achieved through the realisation of a socialist society.

From Wikipedia

I'm struggling to even understand what he's saying. Is the Why supposed to be While?? I read it two different ways...

  1. "While PlayStation will remain our core product, we will expand our gaming experiences to PC, mobile, and cloud."


  1. "[The reason] Why PlayStation [games] will remain our core product [is] we will expand our gaming experiences to PC, mobile, and cloud."
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Must be nice to live in a reality where you get to just make shit up...

Not to mention releasing hostages will not in any way change the status quo. When someone has held their boot on your neck for decades what incentive do you have to give them anything? Absolutely fuck terrorists but Israel's treatment and process going back a long time has created this very situation. They have the power so they must be the ones to acquiesce. But typical rightwing fuckoffs running that place of course don't want to acknowledge this simple aspect of power balance.

You don't need to, but when you have to look for work and are on LI they are there

The majority of this thread seriously misunderstanding decades of US foreign policy.

(I ain't saying it's right)

Yeah fuck those Canadians and Mexicans

What a bland generalization

Software encoding (Your CPU) will always provide better quality than your GPU, especially if your GPU is older. Sadly it's much slower but beware what you're using to encode (video tab, drop down with the 264, 265, 10bit, etc. stuff. NVENC would be an nvidia GPU)

Very grateful your link was this. For anyone who visits this link there is actually a brand new episode of American Experience called Nazi Town, USA and it should definitely be watched. I think it will be removed from pbs in just a couple weeks so watch soon.

Ehhhhhh. I don't think anyone expects to be setting up their Plex server with an Internet outage. As long as you have been setup prior and you lose Internet you can still log in with the last local profile you used. It's not perfect but you're not locked out. No workaround (at this point in time) is necessary, assuming you've already authed and added your server to your "whatever" device.

And ultimately you just keep Kodi for the apocalypse. This complaint about "not being able to access your media" if the internet is out is misleading. Of course you can access your media if the internet is out, it just might not necessarily be with Plex which is ultimately an online service. Sure we can call it a limitation but that's just nit-picking since most everyone has their Internet up almost all the time, offline does work, and there's plenty of other ways to access your media.

The Shield Software Experience is version 9. The Android version is 11.

Ruining the joke David!

Image comparing airpods to Ben Stiller in Something About Mary with come hanging from his ear and the text "anytime I see someone wearing apple airpods"

Yeah, got it, was being dense for a moment...

This is what I want to know

Against the Storm. Sooooo good. City builders are not necessarily my favorite but ATS is for sure one of my favorite games.

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You misspelled utopia. Not sure what reality you'd expect humans to create a stateless and classless "communism" outside the hippie commune out in the woods.

The comment you replied to even said "at a national scale." That's the rub, isn't it?

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If every human had to learn from step one we'd never progress. Taking lessons from past experiences is valid in many ways. The alternate side of that is many humans must make their own mistakes to learn those lessons. It's why we rarely listen to our parents. And unfortunately many humans require a group to belong to, as our evolutionary history required the social collective to survive. Which is why religion has been so powerful, especially once the con men realized they could use that "flaw" in human evolution to manipulate people. So for sure we should always be skeptical about being led by others. But I'm afraid the "concept" of religion (groupthink) will likely never go away - it's a huge part of what makes us social creatures. But I absolutely agree that "religion" as a generalization is fucked.