Alright boys, I've been converted to the light side and have installed F-Droid. Now what? to Open – 159 points –

Basically title. I waited on installing F droid for a long time because my phone threw many scary warnings when I tried a long time ago. But now I have it, and I got some fossify apps, but since there is no "Editor's Picks" on F- droid I dont really know where to go from here.

What apps do you recommend I install first to remove my dependence on closed ecosystems?

What is my vulnerability surface ie, which sort of apps should I watch out for?

Are there any bad faith companies in the open source sphere?


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ViMusic - ad free music streaming
TrackerControl - view and block app trackers
LibreTube - ad free youtube client
Termux - Terminal

There are also plenty of replacements for builtin apps like camera, gallery, maps, etc, although I personally haven't made that jump yet as there are some missing quality of life features.

Use RiMusic - It's a fork of ViMusic and Updated

block app trackers? The duckduckgo mobile app has something like that too IIRC, I've seen a bunch of screenshots here in the past.

Also, how does termux work on an android device? Do all the usual linux commands work on an android too?

Termux work like a emulator but It can interact with android storage.