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How is it news that she lost less than 0.1% of her followers?

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I'm going to second this. Krita is really good. FOSS should always be your first choice.

I think you’re missing their point, they weren’t saying that Blender is cad, it’s just a good comparison, as a successful piece of software in the the same broad, general category (3D modeling)

We want what Blender is to mesh modeling, rendering, etc, but for parametric cad, manufacturing, etc. Basically Fusion 360 but open source, without any of Autodesk’s bs. Ideally it would even work together with Blender for rendering.

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I mean, I am mentally ill, but not because I'm nonbinary.

Connect them together for efficiency, and maybe use both rails for stability and to reduce design conplexity. (you dont even need any additional infrastructure!) Also, have them arrive regularly, so that users don't need to bother with an app! Brilliant!

Seriously though, it's really amazing how people keep inventing trains but worse. I guess this idea makes some sense if there aren't enough riders for regular train service, but still...

So you’re saying that corpses make copses?

ViMusic - ad free music streaming
TrackerControl - view and block app trackers
LibreTube - ad free youtube client
Termux - Terminal

There are also plenty of replacements for builtin apps like camera, gallery, maps, etc, although I personally haven't made that jump yet as there are some missing quality of life features.

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Yeah give me shapeshifting, please. Slow, binary transition ain't it.

I regret this username, everyone keeps tagging me :/

I think all of them forfeited any respect for their lives when they chose to step into a metal tube and put several miles of water between them and the breathable atmosphere, for fun.

Sure, I think it's maybe fair to say that about ceo, who cut all sorts of corners with the construction (and it was a carbon fiber tube, not metal, which was the main problem)

However, the 19 year old kid on board was dragged along by his dad, and was reportedly terrified and didn't want to go. I think it shows an extreme lack of empathy to say his life had no value because of the situation he was put in.


Yeah, Doom 2016 is easily one of my favorite singleplayer fps games. Doom Eternal is just worse in every way, and I couldn't get through more than a few hours.

It completely breaks the combat flow state that made the original great

Instead of having the freedom to prioritize enemies and weapons, it wants you to do things a very specific way

Instead of the minimal but interesting story from the 2016, we get a convoluted mess, with random characters that we have no reason to care about.

Also, despite 2016 looking quite good, they decided to make Eternal garish and cartoony for some reason??

I could go on, but anyway I hope we get a proper 2016 sequel some day.

Really? Movies at 24 fps are tolerable because we're used to it and there's a lot of motion blur, but any motion or panning shot still looks incredibly jerky. You have to get way up into the 100s of fps before you hit diminishing returns of smoothness, and even then it's still noticeable.

This is a pretty simplistic take. The thing is, Republicans enact policies that kill or ruin the lives of MANY people. If one of them dies, I fail to see how that doesn't leave the world a better place.

The comment you replied to was specifically hoping for a natural death. Nobody here is suggesting lynching politicians, that's the behavior of the right wing (jan 6, etc)

Your comment reads as typical "both sides" bullshit, with a bit of slippery slope fallacy thrown in.

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There's a huge difference between kids playing with toys or coloring books and watching tiktok on their iPads. Not even remotely the same, and it's concerning that so many perents don't seem to understand that.

Not a useful skill, but you could try speedcubing

Behold, a man!

I looked it up, and the region of Jupiter's atmosphere at 1 bar is -100C. So you theoretically you could fly a modified Earth plane, it would just be a bit chilly.

Interestingly, though, Venus does have a zone with Earth-like temperature and pressure.

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I think a more direct comparison would be flying the US flag with a state flag covering half of it.

Personal identity flags are perfectly fine, alongside the rainbow pride flag or just on their own. Just don't cover over the "everyone" flag with specific identities. That's like the opposite of the flag's meaning.

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If you want to try something else, you can always just install and try it out, while keeping plasma installed. That way you don't need to worry about setting everything up in one go.

Tiling wms are pretty awesome (i3 is my daily), but they do require some setup and customization. You can always use someone else's dotfiles as a starting point though.

I agree in general, although I think Subnautica is still great despite being heavily crafting based.

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Yeah I would say you might as well just go with mint then. Debian based distros are popular for a reason.

EndeavourOS is really probably the best overall option though, as you have the best software availability, but if you're not comfortable using the terminal, I might avoid it. (Although I will say that package management with yay is super easy, just yay [packagename] to search and install interactively. Also to update your system just alias yay -Syu to "update" if you have trouble remembering the right flags. I'd really recommend learning to use the terminal regardless of distro, though.)

Except that modern nuclear technologies like LFTR are objectively way safer, and even with 60s technology and unsafe operation, nuclear has fewer deaths per MWh than just about every other form of energy generation. It's just that nuclear's failures are more concentrated and visible.

Why not just move to a minimal window manager?
I use i3 with no bar, and it’s pretty low distraction compared to a full desktop environment.

Definitely get comfortable with the terminal, vim and shell scripting can do pretty much anything. Although you will have a much nicer time with a terminal emulator like kitty or alacrity imo. Idk how sensitive you are to this sort of thing, but as a fellow adhd-er, customizing the font and colors makes a big difference for comfort and distraction.

I think you’re really going to need a web browser, but you could always just use a site blocker extension. Otherwise if you really can go without a browser, just uninstall it. Same with something like steam.

Alexithymia is difficulty recognizing or understanding one's own emotions. I think you maybe meant Anhedonia? (inability to find enjoyment in things, expecially things that were previously enjoyable)

I see where you're coming from, but there kinda is, as anyone who has experienced gender dysphoria can tell you.

HRT really does alter biological sex in a meaningful way, and I think a lot of people view medical transition as making the body fit the mind better.

This might not exactly be the sort of thing you're looking for, but I recently read and loved Blindsight

Not ADHD, but definitely neurospicy. The main character has half a functioning brain, with many technological augments, and is pretty far from NT as a result.

Anyway, I highly recommend it. Super interesting book. It's about alien first contact, although not in the way you might expect...

Points for zombies:

The isolation and dread caused by the entire world turning into flesh hungry monsters, including family and friends

The body horror of being bit and inevitably losing control of your mind and having your body decay (also you can perhaps hide your infection from the rest of the group?)

There are always more, they never stop. Basically turning human persistance hunting against ourselves

Also they just make a good excuse for an apocalypse, with humanoid things to shoot

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So what?? Why do chromosomes matter at all? Gender ≠ sex. Anyone is allowed to identify however they want, and it literally hurts nobody.

However, trans people do actually have brain structures that mismatch their assigned sex at birth. Also, most differences of sex are just caused by hormones, so HRT really does meaningfully change someone's sex.
You should also know that human biology is not so clean cut. Intersex people exist, and for example there are people born female with a Y chromosome.

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EndeavourOS (which is very close to vanilla Arch, in a good way) comes with yay, which makes installing software super easy. You can search for and install a program by just typing "yay " and selecting what you want to download. Note that this also works for anything in the AUR, which includes lots of stuff that you'd usually have to manually compile.

without using bots

Yes, religion is often simply reinforced by hatred.

If the many worlds interpretation is correct, that would mean that there's not really an infinite number of discrete realities, but more of a continuum. So there are infinite other realities in the same way that there are infinite points on a line, but this exact reality is still unique.

Yes! Igorrr is awesome. Can't wait for what they come up with next.

You can't use mastodon from Lemmy, but you can from some threadiverse software like Kbin.

Realistically, that would mean nationalizing all of SpaceX. (Which I would support, although that's definitely not going to happen)

Blender has come a LONG way in 20 years. I think it beats 3ds max in most categories these days.

For CAD I haven't tried solidworks, but I did get Fusion to run. (Also fwiw, Onshape is surprisingly good, and is browser based)

Then a plug in hybrid or elecric car with range extender motor makes more sense. I think it's pretty dumb to be carrying around expensive, heavy batteries everywhere you go that only get used fully twice a year.

First of all, it's perfectly viable to just not eat meat. Tons of people don't eat meat and are perfectly healthy.

If you need meat replacements, (which is for taste, let's be clear) there are a TON of good substitutes, for example Beyond.

Also to your previous point, food waste is a big problem, but thermodynamically, meat IS food waste. Only a fraction of the energy of animal feed is present in the meat, which is super resource intensive and environmentally terrible (not to mention all the methane produced)

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