More Gen Z Americans identify as LGBTQ than as Republican to – 1398 points –
More Gen Z Americans identify as LGBTQ than as Republican

let's gooo


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Talk about unrealistic.

Has an incumbent ever just bowed out due to pressure from the fringe?

Do you think a new, unknown candidate could drop into the race and have any chance against the right-wing cult that will 100% turn up to vote?

You're inability to imagine a scenario does not make it impossible. You gave me a false dichotomy, I gave you an explanation of why it was false. You don't have to like it. Nobody does. But they would have months to campaign. The primaries aren't even over yet, so it wouldn't theoretically cost then anything. Dems just need to do it. They've had since October. They're the ones making the choice here. They could make a different one.

But they won't. Because they care more about making sure the "right people" have power than representing their constituents or even doing what's right. This isn't the first time and it won't be the last.

It's called being realistic my dude. If you want further left politicians and policies, organize and turn out the vote. If you don't you get the most milquetoast people-pleasing centrist democrat ever because the DNC is trying to placate as many people as they can.

Have you seen what the right wing has done over the last decade or so with the Tea Party morphing into the Freedom Caucus? There are right wing groups showing up to school board meetings and running for city councils all across the country. They've mobilized and are going out and taking what they want and now the formerly "mainstream" Republicans are completely beholden to them and afraid of being primaried in the next off-year election.

The left needs to do the same thing over the next decade or two (or three), that's the only way we can actually win long term.

"get out the vote." We tried, they rigged it against Bernie twice.

Yeah I remember. I remember a lot of steam for Bernie and then a disappointing turn out as well.

Fuck Hillary but lets not pretend he was riding an overwhelming wave of support and a bunch of primaries were stolen from him. He consistently trailed her by like 30 points. I went to a couple of his rallies and donated so I remember, the fervor was nowhere near what MAGA has become right?

Also, that info was leaked by "Guccifer," a Russian asset, so I'd be wary basing too much on that.

Isn't it funny how you dismiss every thing that reflects poorly on the party you support? Despite the fact that the DNC did not dispute the contents? They sued over the release of the emails because they believe it interfered with the election. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't. But they don't deny the contents of the leaked emails themselves. I guess anything so that you can vote blue no matter who, huh?

I mean, fuck the DNC but there's no viable 3rd party I can support this cycle.

The left doesn't even exist in the U.S. How many active leftwing PACs or direct action groups can you name? Now how many rightwing ones? I gave and worked phones for Bernie. We need serious election reform, I agree.

I'm not some accelerationist who's hoping for a Trump win that might spur on some collapse and eventual revolution. I'd prefer the non-violent revolution please and for now that means voting for Biden.

I don't want Trump to be elected. But I won't have my vote held hostage by a party that does not represent me and actively works against progressive candidates from making any headway. If they want my vote, they have to come get it from me.

I don’t want Trump to be elected.

Then vote for Biden. Trump is a Republican. Republicans historically win with low voter turn out.

There can be another election with a more progressive candidate in four years if Biden wins this election. There cannot be any future elections in a fascist dictatorship.

No. Biden aids and abets genocide. How about Dems give me a better choice?

Trump does what strongmen tell him to do. Millions of people are going to die under Trump.

No one will be able to give anyone a better choice if the fascists overthrow our democracy. If you want a better choice then vote for the candidate who will preserve our democracy long enough so we can replace him with someone better.

hope you don't mind those leopards chewing up your face.