Apple says third-party app marketplace creators must have €1,000,000 'letter of credit' to – 340 points –
Apple says third-party app marketplace creators must have €1,000,000 'letter of credit' - 9to5Mac

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TBF if it wasn't without a popup it would be insanely easy to install malware without the user knowing

You even get that popup on windows when installing something.

The only thing I see a problem with is that something like fdroid can't be installed from the play store

The thing is, Google Play doesn't have that for each app it updates. If I can choose to trust Google Play, I should be able to choose to trust F-Droid in that regard.

they should at least give an option to be able to skip that. like the user manually enabling a special permission for a single app that before enabling it you see multiple scary warning screens, confirming that you know what you're doing.

it's my fucking phone, just let me update my software without having to go through manually clicking on update 30 times.