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Someone desperately wanted to make a negative headline...

So what? I don't know the artist, her fans probably where there to hear that song, terrorists don't deserve to keep influencing the future happiness of people with their actions...

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Is he outspoken anti-gay? Then it's pretty likely to be his boyfriend with how every accusation is a confession with conservatives these days...

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Also observe how those "replacement in race" people are completely silent on the 3 body problem show that made pretty much all of the Chinese characters from the book into westerners

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"Whenever something closes in the UK, intellectual property rights revert 50% to the original creator and 50% to the Crown

Wtf - how is something like this still law and people are okay with it?

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Didn't a lot of western countries warn their citizens to not attend any public gatherings in Moscow a couple of weeks ago due to an imminent Isis attack?

The Venn diagram of "people that like Elon musk and want to support him with their money" and "people that consider buying an electric car for environmental reasons" is having very little overlap in recent years

Because Isis being able to attack inside Russia paints him as weak and doesn't even give the option to retaliate.

If you spin it so Ukraine is behind it you can at least count on more people supporting the war against them

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Yeah - was about to do that

I think EU regulations for food and border-free movement between countries are the two most valuable EU advantages by far

Those are just insignificant compared to Google so noone is even trying to game them.

That's actually one of the reasons why I use kagi but saying that they figured it out is just wrong

She publicly supported biden and now gets the full attention of trump supporters and russian trolls throwing shit at her to damage her public image similar to what they did with Clinton.

Single handedly made right-wing people care about plane emissions...

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Twitter is showing me that no matter how big and relevant a network is the big companies care more about not advertising next to Nazis than about advertising in a popular space.

I'm hopeful that it'll stay that way and the only ones advertising there will be those that are already supporting trump and that it'll only cost them money by people boycotting their products.

Even if he wins the presidency he's for sure not winning the popular vote and also for sure not winning the reasons most interesting for advertisers. Not sure that bet is going to hold up well in the end

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Probably meaning ads for real products and travels etc.

The freedom of one person ends where it starts limiting the freedom of another person

Unlimited freedom of speech just means that it's possible to verbally deny a group of people a place in society either by lying about them or by just ignoring their existence - and both are limiting that person's freedom - not just their freedom of speech.

I really don't understand how Americans don't seem to understand that one person's freedom should end when it limits the freedom of another person - and if it doesn't then it's just the stronger/more forceful one pushing the weaker/more defensive one into a corner.

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How is this even a discussion at a company like Volkswagen?

At their headquarters in Wolfsburg 99% of their workers are members of the union and the union's chairmen are famous for being the most powerful amongst all companies in Germany.

Are they participating in union busting bullshit despite a background like that?

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TBF the "flying empty trains around the world" were different companies that only bought the planes and had to adhere to stupid laws that would void their plane spots if they didn't take off.

That's like making Toyota responsible if a Toyota fanclub decides that you need to make 100k kilometers a year to stay in the club

Both are horrible but in this case it's not useful to throw both in the same basket

Every serious car manufacturer has a backup power source in case something happens (there can always be a bad storm or an accident)

The fact that one burning mast was enough to completely shut down the Tesla factory in Germany just shows how much of their success is just ignoring very realistic risks and then pointing fingers at someone else if stuff happens

Centrists are just right wing but too embarrassed to admit to it.

If Epic could actually provide a better service, they would be seeing customers and developers actually want to use their platform.


Gog is objectively giving you more value for your money but even cdpr had to release the Gwent standalone on steam eventually because people didn't buy it enough - once it was on steam it sold more than in a year on gog in weeks

People don't look at the alternatives at all - unless it's a AAA game with an exclusive deal

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Perfect example of the antisemitism channeled by this war...

Same kind of bullshit of asking a random Muslim on the street to denounce IS when they bombed something...

I'm kind of sad they didn't choose gecko for Vivaldi.

Currently trying out Floorp after maining Vivaldi for years in preparation for the worst

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RIP in peace

This was clear extrajudicial punishment

I think it's great how Americans mistrust the police so they live vigilantes but apparently the police also wants to play vigilante even though they would be in the perfect position to ensure that vigilantism isn't needed.

Especially with those with 1000s of subscribers - how are people fooling themselves into thinking that they don't have someone answering their messages for them?

Some of the most popular ones have whole crews for filming - why should social media be something they do on their own?

I kind of get it for the ones with few subscribers though

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I mean the effects of climate engineering as pretty much impossible to predict completely. I'm not sure you can even rule out for sure that it'd effect Africa if they did some climate engineering in Alaska.

Even if you have most of the factors - with those kinds of things there's always an off-chance that it interrupt bird migration and that fucks up something else and then suddenly it has an impact on air temperatures and a lot of stuff changes.

Relying on climate engineering instead of trying to prevent the catastrophe that's coming is just stupid...

SEO is wrong - it's like an arms race where the shittiest party spending the most wins and every one else needs to play by the rules to even exist.

The world would be better off if noone did it in the first place and search engines could just do the job they intended to do.

Google totally went to shit in the last years with their first page often full of websites great at SEO but horrible in whatever you were actually looking for.

Meanwhile the little ultra-specific forum that had a thread years ago about your specific search and no money for SEO is somewhere on page 5 while websites just repeating the search phrase over and over with no answer in sight are at the top.

That whole industry can cease to exist from one day to the next and nothing of value would be lost - if anything value would be gained for the average person

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The non visual novel parts (the investigations) are by far the weakest point imho. I always was extremely happy to be back in court

And that one third is showing up to vote while the 2 thirds are not sure because biden is too old and then go surprised Pikachu when the crazy ones run the country

Interesting how it worked before the whole shitstorm with all the memes started.

I wonder if those were not really about her flying but somehow related to her speaking out against trump and that was just the angle of the smear campaign to make her less credible for left people...

I don't think it's serious - they just know that they have their right wing supporters safe already and try to gain more votes in the center by looking more moderate

When it's more important to make the other party look bad than doing what's right - those are the politicians you really don't want...

Buying a new replacement totally is upgrading though.

That's why it's so rare to find phones with easily changeable batteries as most phones are like new if you just replace that.

Yeah - those headlines do more harm than good as people will just point fingers and think it's enough to shut those companies down in order to fix climate change...

As long as there's demand other companies will step in and then instead of those few you have 10-20 supplying the same amount of oil with nothing gained

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TBF if it wasn't without a popup it would be insanely easy to install malware without the user knowing

You even get that popup on windows when installing something.

The only thing I see a problem with is that something like fdroid can't be installed from the play store

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Tbh which country could confirm that that's not the case?

I'd imagine most Western countries have citizens completely controlled by misinformation that joined the russian military.

What country realistically has a claim to confirm that not a single citizen joined Russia?

Kind of oversimplified when railways and public transport is grouped under infrastructure when it could as well be in the climate protection category

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Twitter also has a very large captive audience - yet their advertisers are running away

So no USP any more?

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She only threatened legal action after those memes started and when her flight movements got the attention of the right in an attempt to make her less credible of a voice speaking out against trump.

And knowing how batshit insane trump cultists can be and how she's basically the single most hated person of his base I'm not surprised that she feared for her security.

Those records were public for years but the legal action only happened after someone created those memes and even fox news suddenly cared about plane emissions...

His favourite band is King jizzard and the jizard jizard

As a German I'm proud of our constitution, too, and I think it does a great job at making it as hard as possible for something like the Nazis to easily happen again.

That doesn't mean that it was perfect all the time and is unchangeable.

I think it's insane how the US things their constitution is the pinnacle of democracy - especially since it was the first one and others iterated on our

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