Trump Media shares plunge 11% after company files to issue additional DJT stock to politics – 171 points –
Trump Media closes down more than 18% after filing plans to issue more DJT stock

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Twitter is showing me that no matter how big and relevant a network is the big companies care more about not advertising next to Nazis than about advertising in a popular space.

I'm hopeful that it'll stay that way and the only ones advertising there will be those that are already supporting trump and that it'll only cost them money by people boycotting their products.

Even if he wins the presidency he's for sure not winning the popular vote and also for sure not winning the reasons most interesting for advertisers. Not sure that bet is going to hold up well in the end

To add to this, Truth Social is mainly political, it's not a space companies find interesting to advertise. Women purchase things for the house so they control the purse strings of a household, the next major purchases are teens. These are the realms of TikTok and Youtube shorts. Older demographics don't buy much, are stuck in their habits.

Regardless of their personal opinions, the fact of the matter is that this would still be, for all intents and purposes, the "offical" communications arm of the President of the United States. That commands a certain amount of attention regardless of who that is. Millions of people will be paying attention to what goes on there because his posts are suddenly official communications. Advertisers will advertise there, not because of support for the man, but because it's essentially a very large captive audience.

Twitter also has a very large captive audience - yet their advertisers are running away

There's a difference between a social media network and a social media network that is also the official communications channel of the President of the United States. If you don't think that will absolutely drive users, viewers, and advertisers (including those who just want to curry favor with Trump), you're delusional. Trump will demand that the entire GOP move their accounts over to Truth Social (Because he will make more money), and the vast majority of the GOP absolutely will march in lockstep because they're spineless cowards.