So is the US slipping into Civil War?

CashewNut 🏴󠁢󠁥󠁧󠁿 to Ask – 871 points –

People keep talking about "Federalizing the National Guard" and now you've got other States pledging their NG to Texas in defiance of the Supreme Court (see image).

So is this what CW2 looks like?

P.S. I'm a Brit


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Ain't no way this is actually going to happen, any attempt at succession will be put down by the much larger national military. There will be no civil war.

Eh there won't be an organized civil war of large standing armies, but I can definitely see the Redneck militias doing some damage. If it dragged on long enough they could theoretically get organized somehow.
I really doubt that the politicians in the GOP states want a Civil war though, it is gonna be hard to extract wealth from the poor if the whole system explodes.

i also notice nobody mentions the possibility that cartels could try to take advantage of any significant unrest in some states. i doubt states or feds want that mess.

If any deep red states try to leave, why not just let them?

It's violating the will of the people. They're removing people from their country without consent or notice; no referendum nor opportunity to leave.

If they vote on it Brexit style it will be one thing. If 51% of the population shows up and votes 51% to leave we can consider it. Wait until that happens.