Happy Freedom Day...I guess.

nothingcorporate@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1630 points –

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Reminder that the US have never abolished slavery for prisoners and have one of the largest slave population in the world.

Yep... And every time there's an employment issue for the agricultural industry, they whip out the prisoners...

However to the prisoner's credit: They do an absolutely terrible job at whatever it is they're doing.

Why? What are they going to do... Fire you? Jail you? You have no incentive at all to do the job well as a prisoner.

Bonus is by doing a horrific job it makes employers less likely to actually request prison workforces.

Tha fuck are you talking about?


Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

If you're convicted in the US you become a slave in waiting. Ever wonder why reds Love superfluous policing of certain communities and broken window policing? Because it's a direct pipeline to private prisons profit from legal slaves.

Personally I just want better policing so I don't have to move my family again cause our apartment got shot up thanks to collateral damage.

That's not really the same issue. Also, policing isn't going to fix that or it already would have. The states is the most over policed "democracy"on the planet. Common sense domestic gun policies, actual social security structures meant to help citizens, reverse the gutting of federal civil services like education, any I've one of these would help more than any amount of police and all of them are generally what most other democratic countries have. Dumping more money on unqualified overpaid ass sitters hoping for riot overtime for a new seadoo is how we got here.

I'm cool with everything you said, except the gun control part. Felons are disproportionately POC because of our racist police and courts. POC will be disarmed disproportionately. Now, if we do some blanket amnesty, mass decarceration, and defund, disband, or disarm the police, then maybe gun control won't be enforced in a racist way. But in a country where literal white supremacist gangs run massive police forces, like the LASD, gun control will be weaponized against minorities. Also, gun control is classist and ableist.

I mean, I used to live in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country, and had a lot of progressive measures in place to help citizens. We still felt like it was too dangerous to let our children play out of the house, and was proven right when I rushed home to 9mm holes in my door and windows. They weren't actually trying to shoot at my house, it just happened to be behind who they were shooting at.

Thankfully I found a new job and moved to the other side of the country and bought a home in an area that is much safer, and decent police presence. Sad that I had to leave my home state, but I'll do what I have to do my children can grow up safe.

I'm not going to hate for doing the more immediate things to protect your kids, but it's extremely unlikely the police are the differentiating factor here.

M8, how is that relevant :| better policing isnt going to fix the economic/social/mental health conditions that lead to shoot outs...

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