9 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

PIA got purchased by Kape Technologies a couple years ago. With their track record, you can choose to believe the report issued by consultants they paid, or you can just go to companies with better track records, like Mozilla VPN or Mullvad.

Seems like an easy choice to me.

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Born without my consent Used for AI training without my consent

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Seriously! I give it pretty good odds this runs for a full month, then we'll probably get some relief with days that are only near record-breaking 🥵

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They already had their last election, there is no more GOP only MAGA and enemies of MAGA.

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I've never seen a snowflake on a SoCal beach before.

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"ever recorded" - there was nobody around to record the formation of the earth.

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F-droid for open source apps, Aurora Store for all the Play Store apps. You're welcome :)

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This is the stupidest timeline.

Yeah I have. There's a couple of promising programs that everyone should know about:

But for me, I'm too new to programming to pick up another language very quickly to do all the manual stuff right now. Anyone more skilled than me should definitely check those links out.

We live in a post-satire world. I literally can't tell if this was a real Prager U slide or not. 🤷

For anyone who wants to stay logged out of YouTube, but wants to see content they follow, I recommend the pocket tube extension for Firefox.. or Chrome if you really have to... It lets you create subscription groups so you can see exactly the content you want when you want it.

Yeah, welcome to the fucking club.

Joke's on them. I can't afford to replace my 20 year old car because everything is completely unaffordable in this hellscape

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Hopefully I'm not mistaken, but I'm going to assume you are asking in good faith.

Capitalism is an ideology of infinite growth. Capital is only invested for growth, that's the whole corporations have to consume more, produce more, sell more, or capitalists will take away their capital investments. Think of it this way, you're a capitalist (by which, I don't mean someone who believes in the idea of capitalism...I mean someone who makes the bulk of their wealth with capital investments instead of labor) with millions invested in an oil company -- that oil company realizes that we need to phase out the use of fossil fuels for the sake of the planet -- so they announce a plan to limit production (and therefore profits).

Your capital is how you make your money, so if they announce a very finite upside (with a real possibility that in a decade or two, their whole business will dry up), you will quickly take your millions and move them somewhere else. And you won't be alone -- think of the bank run that Silicon Valley Bank had once everyone suspected the bank would have solvency problems. And before you know it, that whole company has lost trillions and fails almost immediately.

Now repeat this while coal, commercial beef farms, and down the line of the worst industries for the climate.

The corporations that are the main source of climate change causing emissions also know that if any one of them chooses to do the right thing for the planet, other, less ethical corporations will see blood in the water, and take over their portion of the market; and nothing will change for the environment, all that CEO will have done is put thousands of their own workers out of business.

Socialism, by contrast, is not an ideology of infinite growth. At it's core, it's an ideology of collectivism -- we all need to take care of everyone else -- this includes making sure everyone has a habitable planet to live on. The government can make sure all companies play by the rules, for the benefit of all humankind, not just do as they do now...ask nicely for the corporations to be nice, and then shrug their shoulders when nothing changes.


There was no reason for his gun to be out of his holster. He'll face no consequences, meanwhile if a protester accidentally fired a gun, they'd be charged with attempted murder of every single cop there.

End qualified immunity.

Alternate headline: Corrupt politician decides to cash in

Well, that's when recording began. But additional data suggests it hasn't been this hot for 125,000 years

This is the stupidest timeline.

UN: Israel, stop committing genocide. Israel: how about you just stop providing aid to the people we're genociding.

And many states let private companies charge accused people up to $40 a day for the ankle bracelets.

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I call my cat turtle-butt.

There is no reason, when anyone asks why, I just say "her butt is made of turtle."

I've never seen a more scientifically accurate meme


I'll let Frederick Douglass & James Earl Jones ask the progressive question: what to the slave, is your 4th of July?

First off, how dare you

Which his lawyers are now appealing... If this POS gets let out of prison because he can afford good lawyers...

This is the stupidest timeline.

So anyway, I started blasting

$60 for a book he probably outsourced to the cheapest country possible... That's way more than 50% markup.

Last week he was selling sneakers, this week Bibles, next week it will be US flags with his face where all the stars should be... Trump is proof you really can fool some of the people all of the time.

They could be spending their time getting us healthcare or increasing the minimum wage, instead, they took time to pass a symbolic measure 412-9 saying the racist, apartheid government of Israel is neither racist nor an apartheid state. SMDH.

That's the definition of capitalism

I think they hired the CEO of Unity

Alternative headline: Grocery decides too cash out.

Putting on my N95 mask: "Aww shit, here we go again."

This look is only acceptable for old dudes and the Amish. Hipsters, get your own look.

This is the stupidest timeline.

It's all in the hips

In other news: water is wet.