Are there theme parks specifically for adults? to No Stupid – 114 points –

I know you can visit some theme parks at certain times of year to avoid many children, however what I mean are theme parks built more for imaginative and fun-loving adults.

Take some of the park rides you might find in family theme parks that appeal to both adults and children, but instead of avoiding elements that may confuse/frighten children, they're allowed to get more detailed or whatever may be more fun for people. Fwiw I'm aware of some smaller scale themed venues (particularly some horror-related ones), but I feel like I'm blanking on any obvious larger scale ones.


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You can buy alcohol at Disney?! With everything being so prude about drinking in public in the US, this completely amazes me.

Prude stops being an issue when money can be made with it.

Not public, it's private property, also this is California adventure.

Several of the global Disney parks besides California Adventure sell alcohol. Even in the original park, Disneyland, which has long had a nearly total ban on alcohol has relented and has started selling booze in limited venues (most notably, the Blue Bayou restaurant, which is a fantastic restaurant btw). Money talks, and booze is pretty good money.

In several of the parks, yes! Hell, getting drunk off of "drinks from around the world" at Walt Disney World's EPCOT is a popular theme for adult guests nowadays. However, I'll mention that Disneyland is still quite restrictive (though their neighboring park, California Adventure, is not and fully embrace alcohol sales).