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Joined 12 months ago

Because WFH has shown that large parts of middle management are useless, and those MM people are pushing upper management for RTO before it becomes evident. It's what MM has always done, suck up to UM and kick down on the workers, without real benefit to the company.

We had quite the discussion at work about this very scene (I am loosely related to OSHA stuff), at some point people might think of deliberately having work "accidents" so the employer has to pay for superior replacement parts. And then have an advantage on the job market because of this. Same could go for sports.

I guess technologically, we are very close, but might need to work on the whole ethics part a bit more?

Having said that, I would not mind some advanced Kiroshis to replace my screwed up eyeballs.

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A really nice kitchen knife. I use it daily and it makes cooking so much more fun, which translates into eating less junk food and take out, saving a ton of money and being more healthy.

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"Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans."

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That switch flipped a few years ago. Unfortunately it only did so after my mother passed away, but I suddenly realised that I don't need my dad's approval in my life. And that he's a toxic narcissist which I don't have to like or have in my life. Understanding that, I could unravel a lot of crap from my childhood, which helps understanding some things that are wrong with me today. I guess the switch that flips when you understand that your parents don't necessarily need to be good for you is a really important one.

Remodeled the house including bathrooms, went for japanese style bidet (i.e. included in the toilet). Would not want to live without it.

  • water temperature, as well as pressure, is adjustable. I have on with different presets, so every family member gets to have their own favorite setting
  • not messy at all, has a very directed jet of water. Of course you can splash around sitting weirdly on the toilet, but that needs to be very deliberate. Mine has a function that when nobody sits on the toilet, the jet won't start.
  • there's options with blow dryers, but even if not, just one dab to dry off instead of wiping and wiping and wiping.
  • according to my plumber, it was one more water hose and an electric plug to connect. The device itself of course is much more expensive than a stander toilet. Just using TP now feels so terrible unhygienic. Imagine getting shit on your hand, and you have paper towels, or running water (and paper towels) to clean up. What would you choose? Maybe not really a "problem" solves, but a very, very nice luxury.
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That's not how thermodynamics work. It's either transferring heat more efficiently, or not. But always the same, in both directions.

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Theranos sounded like a superhero villain. I guess it kind of was?

Part of my work is to evaluate proposals for research topics and their funding, and as soon as "AI" is mentioned, I'm already annoyed. In the vast majority of cases, justifiably so. It's a buzzword to make things sound cutting edge and very rarely carries any meaning or actually adds anything to the research proposal. A few years ago the buzzword was "machine learning", and before that "big data", same story. Those however quickly either went away, or people started to use those properly. With AI, I'm unfortunately not seeing that.

Whenever someone brings up that argument (windmills are ugly), which is quite a controversial topic in the country I live in, I take them to the open pit coal mines of the area. Those are really ugly.

I do understand the argument that the intermittent shadows the rotating blades may cast on residential areas are annoying.

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Just the other night my wife commented that I'm turning into Ron Swanson: after spending the day in the workshop making a bookcase for an oddly shaped nook in the house (carpenter quoted me a price so high that just with this project the nice miter saw amortized itself) I fired up the grill to cook a nice porterhouse steak, while nursing a nice dram of lagavulin. I even work for the government

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Homeowners insurance: "Since you don't have some certificate or whatever, your proper solution is something we won't cover. If you want it covered, get someone with a certificate to do a hackjob."

At least in Germany, you're not allowed to touch anything "important" like water, electric, plumbing, or gas. Even if you would do a much better job, quicker, and cheaper, than any contractor who'd be allowed to do that work. Every single contractor I hired remodeling our house did something which was clearly not up to code (DIN or EN), and almost every time they put up a fight explaining it away, even when I read them the exact wording of the norm. "Well, if I'd do it that way, I would never finish work!" "This would be too much work, nobody does it that way" "I am always doing it this way and never had any complaints"

Discussion was always over when I asked whether I should get an inspector to settle it. They begrudgingly fixed the issue, and without fail tried to bill me for it (additionally).

I am so done with contractors, those are the original gatekeepers.

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You see, I don't think people like him ever feel shitty. He feels as a victim, a martyr of sorts, people like this can and will twist anything in their heads so that it proves their grandeur, their importance.

This guy goes to sleep every night thinking how great he is, and how the world is just jealous and that's why some stupid judge was out to get him.

My dad is a pathological narcissist and behaves exactly like that.

Yeah, it seems at a certain breaking point in the difficulty curve it becomes "catch up with the AI boni", which made it a completely different game for me. And as you said, usually by renaissance you know if this is going to be a landslide victory (which at that point becomes a chore), or if you're screwed.

I picked it up on sale after watching Fury Road, which in turn I put off watching for years because I really like the first trilogy and did not want to have that memory tainted by some cash grab Hollywood sequel. Boy was I wrong about the film, and I was equally blown away by the game, to a point I felt really guilty getting it for 10 bucks or so. I really, really wish there was a multiplayer, though.

I am thoroughly confused, isn't "Dudette" a term that's used for female Dudes? Or "her Dudeness" if you aren't into that whole brevity thing.

I guess it shows how out of touch (old) I am that it's completely bewildering to me that there could be people who do not understand folders ... on a computer. Phones, tablets, yeah, I get that, those actively make it harder and harder to access the folder structure. But computers?

You're probably thinking of Tenet?

Because if I spend 50k on an ICE car, I get a really manly truck which makes me feel important and not like a wimp driving a car that makes me look poor!

I am so surprised that this stone age reasoning still works so well with cars.

"But I need the space! ... once every two years..."

Same with fuel efficiency: "My big ass penis enlargement SUV gets the same mileage like my tiny sedan did 30 years ago, so it's not worse for the environment!" - "But a car the size of your tiny sedan 30 years ago would now be twice as efficient?" - "Does not matter, I will use up the transportatin CO2 footprint that has been allotted to me, why should I give something up for the benefit of everyone , especially something important like a antiquated status symbol?"

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You can buy alcohol at Disney?! With everything being so prude about drinking in public in the US, this completely amazes me.

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I think it's "Tiny civilization", which is really cute indeed. Got it on sale for less then 2 bucks, well worth it!

Edit: nah, probably not, but tiny civilization is a nice little game anyway :)

It's completely wild to me that the default for buying a car comes up to a monthly payment, why not pay cash? Save those 800 for three months, buy a beater for 2400. While driving this into the ground, continue saving the 800, even if that beater craps out after six months, you can upgrade to a 4800 not-so-crappy beater, rinse and repeat, and at some point you saved up the 48000 to get that new car. Financing something that depreciates in value quickly and exponentially at anything above the inflation rate is, financially speaking, complete and utter nonsense to me.

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Put a smile to my face to see so many cats (and dogs) involved.

When I get up and do my morning business on the toilet, the cat comes and rolls around on the bath mat in front of my ear scratches and cuddles included. Turning on the bidet (yes, hidden flex) is the audible clue that business is concluded, he gets up, wait patiently in the door frame while I start brushing my teeth. I then walk downstairs (while brushing my teeth), cat as added tripping hazard on every step. He again waits patiently while I start the coffee maker, and only when I open the door of the cat food and treats cabinet, he starts being agitated until I put food in the bowl and put it down for him. And then there's always this glance back, blinking before he digs in, and this very moment is my treasure for the day.


Guess the language...

"This is some big shot of the football team. He's not a C student. Grade again."

Source: TA'd at a prestigious west coast Uni with a good football team.

Wait. The OPA from expanse? There is some resemblance, but I'd say it more looks like a gamepad/emoji hybrid.

Or whenever using your credit card online. The pro version would be that it turns off functions successively depending on your BAC. At some point the only unblocked function would be to call a cab to go home.

I'm pretty sure my Dad's cat is really a glutton.

To be really inclusive, I would also use the term for female dogs, like, "Hey, dogs and...". Yeah, no,.sorry, I'll show myself out.

I never asked for this. Wrong game, I know :)

The one we got was really expensive, but it was the only brand available in Germany that actually has those things in the market for 10+ years (so it's a well tested product). It's one of the premium brands for bathroom "furniture" anyway, and the bidet ones are their top of the line bowls, so I guess in the end we're not just paying premium for the bidet. Including installation and all the other parts, I think it was something like 3 or 3.5k EUR. I don't really have any comparison (the cheaper brand would be around 1k less), but the thing is well thought through, has tons of options, easy to clean, easy maintenance, and has some really long warranty. I still feel I splurged on it, but in the grand scheme of things when remodeling a house (roughly 150k in total), I did not really register. Don't know if that helps in any way...

This so much. I have a three days a week home Office deal, and I did Not, We, Fr for some time and it sucked. Monday I just could not find a proper start for the workday, which in the end translated to doing more work in the evening. Same on fridays, where I just did not find a proper cut to end the work day. So bad it even went into Saturday mornings. Now I do Tu-Th as home Office days, which works amazingly.

Scientist here, a lot of my job is writing texts with references to other literature of the field, or reviewing such texts (or PowerPoints). Main screen has the document open, the other is actually in portrait format and has gazillions of open pdfs on it that are relevant to whatever I'm working on. I had to get this setup for working from home because productivity dropped immensely with only one screen.

I started with a Santoku brought from a business trip to Japan, don't think it was a special brand. It was 50 EUR (that was almost 15 years ago), but for me that's how I got into it. Now I am lucky enough to have a friend who's a blacksmith to get custom made knives.

I usually recommend the Haiku Chroma series as entry level, or if you are looking for a western style chef's knife, I'd go with a Wusthoff classic. Both are a bit more than 100 EUR, so I'd always recommend to go to a shop and get a feel for them and what works best for you. Important thing is western or Japanese style handle (shaped vs. round), and a length and weight you feel comfortable with.

Brother it is! I have a laser combo scanner printer MFC thingy, I guess from around 2010 or so, still works like a charm as a network device. I buy a third party toner every three years and that's it.
