How do I stop a crush from developing further? to Ask – 169 points –

I think I got a crush on my dance instructor. Which fucking sucks for all the obvious reasons. Normally I wouldn't be so worried. BUT I JUST HAD A GODDAMN ROMANTIC DREAM ABOUT HER. Seriously I just woke up from a dream about her confessing her love to me and me eagerly doing the same about her.

So how do you stop a crush from developing further? Because this is a well from which only disappointment may be drawn.

Edit: I am single btw.


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So it's either quit dancing or develop romantic feelings for her? Q.E.D. I'm fucked.

I mean, you can find a new dance instructor.

Yeah, salami, can you just switch classes? Or another dance studio, same course or something?

Yeah that's actually not that bad of an idea. If things go south I'll use this as a last resort. Change dance studios that is.