Kenneth Smith ‘struggled for life’ for 22 minutes in Alabama nitrogen gas execution: Updates to – 708 points –
Kenneth Smith ‘struggled for life’ for 22 minutes in nitrogen gas execution: Updates

“Kenny just began to gasp for air repeatedly and the execution took about 25 minutes total.”

Pretty compassionate way to kill a person.

Once again, the Law in the south is brutal.


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IDK about you guys, but in raising our kids we believed it was important that they know where meat comes from. So when slaughtering poultry the kids help out. Maybe apply the same thing here?

If you support capital punishment, then you must sign up for firing squad duty. If less than 50% of voters sign up for firing squad duty, then the death penalty is abolished.

Talk is cheap, conscience is expensive!

So. If 50% of people are not willing to point a gun at someone and kill them. We should abolish the military as well?

Will take a lot of killings before we can decide if we want a military or not. We don't want people to only sign up. We need to make sure they actually do it too. Easy to sign up. Difficult to commit.

So. If 50% of people are not willing to point a gun at someone and kill them. We should abolish the military as well?

Sure? Like you don't have to actually join but sign up for the draft. If 50% aren't willing to die and or kill for their country then maybe they shouldn't be at war.

Plenty of people can say they are. But you said it yourself, it's one thing to talk, another to do.

Gotta prove it. Can do that on criminals to be executed. Kill two birds with one stone.