Over 2,000 shell companies have directors aged 123 years or older, Moody’s found. The oldest known human lived to 122

NinjaZ@infosec.pub to World News@lemmy.world – 445 points –
Over 2,000 shell companies have directors aged 123 years or older, Moody's found. The oldest known human lived to 122

Moody’s Analytics has found 21 million “red flags” associated with shell companies that could be used to enable financial crimes, from ancient directors to dubious addresses.

For instance, more than 2,200 companies have directors aged 123 years and above, despite the fact that the oldest known human lived to 122, said Richard Graham, a director at Moody’s Analytics, in research published Monday. One listed director — at 942 years old — would have been born in the 11th century.


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So do these shell companies get investigated once they see an anomaly? Or is it a case of "whoops we forgot to update our current CEO. Thanks for the reminder."

A small fine and a finger wag will be the result of extensive investigation into these errors.