3 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Its easy to put bones together and say that it existed but there's no way to guarantee "these are certified bones of Jim the stegosaurus, religious figure"

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Any idea what kind of health complication causes blood to gush from your nose and mouth? Sounds insane to watch especially when you can't leave the immediate area...

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Really appreciate all the time and effort you all put in especially while Lemmy is growing so fast. Couldn't happen without you!

So do these shell companies get investigated once they see an anomaly? Or is it a case of "whoops we forgot to update our current CEO. Thanks for the reminder."

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Holy smokes this is basically the premise for Chernobyl but with a coffee shop. Great idea getting them to sign and date the work order! Can't argue their way out of that one.

Probably closer to renting the OS lol

Someone correct me if I'm wrong but if you're using stock Pop_OS it uses xorg by default as the compositor which iirc has issues with multiple monitors on different refresh rates. You can edit your .config file to enable the Wayland compositor and give it a try and see if it works!

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Relocate next to a reactor, plug in your 400GW GPU, and still get 30fps in flight simulator.

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This is a modern day Pavlovian response. You hear a bell and you get rewarded with content and a small hit of feel good chemicals. Rinse and repeat.

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As long as you can keep busy that way it is fine to have those jobs with downtime! The challenge arises when, for example, the workplace doesn't allow personal cellphones on site or in the work area. Or perhaps there is an expectation to look busy all the time so you don't have the leisure to read or write. I've had the luxury to have a job where I can relax a fair bit and have some enjoyable free time with your pastimes listed above.

My previous job was at a workplace with no useable internet, poor cellular signal, and no phones allowed while working policy. Very strict to always be doing something to look busy but when there is nothing to do it gets dreadful.

Looking forward to others experiences on this!

There was that Nathan For You episode where they locked that kid in a coffin and had an orgy outside to test the sound proofing. No real practical use but apparently it did a good job.

All jokes aside, I'm very interested to hear if something exists to that degree of practical hearing protection. Maybe a "suit"of sorts to cancel noise and dampen bone conduction or super active noise cancelling?

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Rubbing it in our faces going from 95 all the way down to 11 too smh...

Yeah, it'd be a little more meaningful if it was dictated by the OS rather than the brand.

And he even found a value.

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217 shots, my guy went straight for that 6G.

Hopefully the last generation cards will drop some after the official launch. Sucks seeing rx6700-6800xt all hovering around $600-$900 here in Canada.

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Makes sense now why every company always has some deep fried 10 second loop hold music...

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You could try Niagara Launcher. I'm using it and it's got that decluttered home screen but it's fairly minimal. It's worth mentioning you do get most relevant features in the free version.

I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill here my man. Having no questions asked 14 days to see if you like not only the form factor but also the stock OS sounds pretty good. I think it'd be just as annoying to hold the phone for 5 minutes, buy it, and then find out later you have gripes with the OS that you don't like.

Even though you think it's annoying to do, it might be worth the trouble to atleast try the phone you aren't familiar with.

Holy smokes it'd be quicker to list what data it doesn't collect. This is the kind of stuff that should make people that use services like Instagram think twice about it.

I'm not your friend... you brigand.

That one's going to sting. Can't for get old favorite's like "wretch", and "charlatan"!

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There has to be some sort of incentive either for smaller cars or against larger cars. Currently you can go into a dealer, tell them you want the biggest baddest truck/SUV that they have, and buy it all while having a normal license.

You'd only be paying a slight premium on whatever road or fuel tax if that while having the benefit of not getting destroyed in a car accident. As it stands, there is little reason to buy a larger vehicle unless you actually don't like driving a car that big.

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There are a few phones that still do a headphone jack and expandable storage but they definitely aren't the big flagship brands if that's what you are looking for.

Heck, Moondrop a predominantly audio gear manufacturer, just launched a phone specifically for audiophiles and it has a 3.5mm/4.4mm headphone jack combo. I don't think its quite as modern in the other aspects but hey, it has the unicorn features we don't see nearly as often!

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It really is astounding how quickly it goes from a "fuck you I got mine" to "how about we share some wealth around here?"

That's gotta be the shrimp who fried my rice

I love the idea that this isn't a smear campaign but a promotional one haha. You're right this article mostly reads "Apart from some shakes and wanting more later, these are all a great time" lmao.

When I switched to android I was looking for Play Music to buy some new songs and it had shut down shortly after I purchased my pixel. Real disappointing since I prefer to just buy a song here and there instead of subscribing to a streaming platform.

Some artists provide a digital download on their websites but it's uncommon. If there's a viable alternative to Play Music I'd love to hear about it!

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If you haven't already check ProtonDB for compatibility on your steam library! Anti cheat is usually a no go but some games will work. Non steam games you'll have to check something like Lutris/Heroic for support.

If you still enjoy the game, I believe mobile won't require Vanguard.

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You're going to get the populace riled up talking like that.

Thanks for linking the guide, totally slipped my mind!

Working at a gas station, most of the truckers that came in would call me "boss" or "chief" which I thought was funny. Like "thanks boss" or "how's it going chief". Not sure its for everyone but its certainly neutral in my eyes.

Any translation of "The Divine Comedy" should be atleast interesting! Possibly the best feat of poetry of our time.

Back when I was an edgy teen, the saga of Darren Shan and the adjacent content of the Demonata were good as far as I can remember. I don't know if it will hold up for a more mature audience despite that being the demographic.

I was grading seed at a grain processing/storage facility for a few years and it had enough down time during the evenings to do any schooling. I managed a full-time pre calculus to shore up my post secondary education requirements. My coworker ended up going back to college for programming and did a lot of his work on the afternoon shift. Our schedule was a 6am-2pm with little down time, and then an afternoon shift from 2pm-10pm with way more free time.

In my case, you didn't have as much down time as some other quieter jobs but they paid ~$30 an hour so there's value if you are looking for some extra cash. No prior experience required.

There was a 12hr night/day rotation for other parts of the facility where you'd swap every few days and get a week off somewhere in the mix but that schedule wasn't for me.

I think you hit the nail on the head with diminishing returns. I'm usually on a 5-6 year usage period too. I can understand the battery swap helping out but my last few phones have felt so sluggish after 4+ years so I start looking at new phones around year 5. I have a Pixel 7 now and I'm going to wait until end of support and then we'll see what the offerings are then!

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Playing on a 240hz monitor at 240hz or is it at the default 60hz? Could be as simple as a click of a button!

This is a good example for investment in renewables or at the very least, nuclear power.

Tacking onto this, I recall a Climate Town episode where he discussed which bank you decide to use matters. Oil companies' biggest donors are banks that get to loan out your money.

That's a Lobsturkey 'round these parts.