I can never go back, I can see why torrenting is so popular in Canada

KuroeNekoDemon@sh.itjust.works to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 881 points –

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If it fails on anime maybe someone (such as yourself) needs to do the leg work and set build a database for it to match against?

Yeah no, i don't have the time I've got my own shit to do. My Plex system is almost entirely automated. Ombi let's me request a show with a single tap, sonarr finds it from my sources, sends that to transmission, then once it's download imports it and puts symlinks with proper naming into the library folders. And then plex properly matches up the metadata.

You know that product you don’t like and have a fine, working alternative for?

You should do hundreds of hours of volunteer work to use the product you don’t like, that way it’s slightly less inconvenient.

The point stands: open source products are only good because people make them good.

If you want to put your eggs in the closed sourced paid basket, by all means go ahead. Plex will still bite you, eventually, just like every other for profit business does.

Okay doomer but my media isn’t going anywhere.

No, and thank fuck for that. I don't think Plex would end up that bad.

I hope.

Edit: Also it isn't "doomer" to say that for profit businesses almost always end up screwing their users over eventually. Usually it happens after the business is sold.

Plex has already deprecated the original Android app which had a "lifetime" payment.

i paid for a lifetime subscription in like 2016 and i still use and install apks downloaded direct from the official forums for the android app on my shield. nothing has been deprecated at all.

you can prefer jellyfin, that’s fine, but making stuff up to scare others is just wildass doomer shit.

it’s a media player. if they go under or get too shitty, i’ll use a different media player. for now, and the foreseeable future, plex is miles ahead of the competition.

You paid for the main lifetime subscription, I paid for the Android app directly. You paid more than me, but both sales were "lifetime". My app has long since been deprecated, while your Plex Pass still lingers on.

I won't be all that surprised when the "Plex Pass lifetime subscription" ends. It shouldn't, and I hope the legal landscape changes such that it can't (or at least so that sellers are required to define the terms more clearly), but at the moment your lifetime subscription is just as vulnerable as mine was.

This is all a lovely segway into Ross Scott's potential lawsuit against Ubisoft for shutting down The Crew. PCGamer article, original YouTube post. The goal isn't necessarily to win, rather to legally challenge and clearly define the terms under which software is sold.

Here is an alternative Piped link(s):

YouTube post

Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.

I'm open-source; check me out at GitHub.

you paid for the app that you still have access to, in what way was that deprecated?

I don't have access to it anymore. The paid app that gave me the same access as Plex Pass is long gone, it was replaced by a free app that only has full functionality if you pay for a Plex Pass.

i think you just don’t understand what you bought. you bought access to the android app which you still have.

if it isn’t working that’s an issue for support.

nothing. has. been. deprecated.

why do you insist on talking out of your ass instead of doing the tiniest amount of research?

You keep saying I'm wrong when the app I bought is literally not available in the Play Store anymore. If I go through my purchases, it's still there, but greyed out.

The app I bought was removed and replaced by a free app. You are talking out your ass.

It was replaced with a different app. That app can watch free content but requires a payment to watch personal media.

The app you purchased is literally just the IAP functionality of the app that exists, which if you are using the same account will be available after clicking “restore purchase.” Nothing. Has. Been. Deprecated.

Do I need to explain how accounts work or do you think you can take it from here?

It was replaced with a different app. That app can watch free content but requires a payment to watch personal media.

Exactly. So the functionality I paid for - the ability to watch personal media via the Android app - has been taken away from me.

Edit: You might be right that the purchase can be restored. However, in trying to verify that I encountered an even bigger issue: you can't even sign into the app or use it in any way without having Google Play Services on your phone. That's a deal breaker for me either way. No issue with that on Jellyfin, and even if it were it being open source means there would be ways around it.

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