int mostCursedIndentation (const int someVal) @safe {
{}{}if (someVal < 0) {
{}{}{}{}throw new Exception ("Value cannot be negative!");
{}{}return someVal * 5 - 3;
Can you start randomly nest them too?
{{}}{}int foo = bar
You made it even worse!
i dont wanna talk about the lua version of this
local function someFunction(arg)
do end local SomeLocal = 40;
do end if arg > SomeLocal then
do end do end SomeLocal = Somelocal + arg
do end elseif arg < SomeLocal then
do end do end arg = arg * 2
do end do end if SomeLocal > arg then
do end do end do end error("oh my god why are you trying to read this")
do end do end end
do end end
do end return SomeLocal
Can you start randomly nest them too?
{{}}{}int foo = bar
You made it even worse!
i dont wanna talk about the lua version of this
Jesus Christ
He has already left the chat