All of your speculation about versioning is correct. The subtitle of the article says:
This major release introduces a new calendar-based numbering scheme,
The second paragraph begins with:
Highlights of LibreOffice 24.2 include a new calendar-based numbering scheme (YY.M),
Clearly I did not. And now I am concerned because I thought I did.
Oh. That happens to me all the time. Like my wife will ask "did you take out the trash?" And I'll be all, "I thought I did." But clearly, I did not.
To use the trash as an analogy, I even picked up the bag and walked around with it a bit (the tab was open. I know I looked at it and scrolled down), but did it make it to where it was supposed to go? (information can into brain?) Doesn't look like it.
So where is the trash now? At the door? Or in a different room?
So... you didn't read the article?
All of your speculation about versioning is correct. The subtitle of the article says:
The second paragraph begins with:
Clearly I did not. And now I am concerned because I thought I did.
Oh. That happens to me all the time. Like my wife will ask "did you take out the trash?" And I'll be all, "I thought I did." But clearly, I did not.
To use the trash as an analogy, I even picked up the bag and walked around with it a bit (the tab was open. I know I looked at it and scrolled down), but did it make it to where it was supposed to go? (information can into brain?) Doesn't look like it.
So where is the trash now? At the door? Or in a different room?