It's just trash. to – 158 points –

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Untrue! It makes for a great battle trophy for us Yankees! "And this, Cletus, was the last thing your great x3 grandfather carried into battle when my great x4 grandfather cut his traitor ass down"

One of my favorite moments in politics was when Virginia tried to get Minnesota to return their blood soaked civil war flag that was taken as a trophy.

Jesse Ventura put it perfectly: “Why? We won.”

Darn straight. To the victor goes the spoils. Especially when the loser was a such a problematic state (i.e. a nation built on slavery and led by a racist white minority that acted as an aristocracy)

One of the most satisfying parts of being a modern day American is the fact Southerners took the biggest L possible 155 years ago.

Yessir! And it's even more satisfying when your ancestors were the ones who delivered that L (my great great great grandpa)