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Joined 1 years ago

Not only traumatic for the pregnant person, it also is prolonging the suffering of the child. Birth itself is thought to be pretty awful for a baby - being born and then immediately going into organ failure or otherwise being in extreme pain from birth defects that make you incompatible with life has to be miserable. It's literally being born to die. Stack on the fact that birth is expensive in the US and the parents will be required to provide some amount of medical care for a baby that's fated to die soon, then a funeral? He's absolutely ghoulish. If this is Christian love, give me hate any day.

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Troubling update from the Reddit admins. They are planning to remove mods from any subs that decide to stay private and hand them over to scabs. This goes back on their previous statements that subs had a right to protest and go private. Mods of one large community have already been contacted by the admins and told that "if you decide to close your community going forward, our Code of Conduct team will reach out with next steps". Which is a fresh take on "nice kneecaps, shame if something happened to them".

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According to a screenshot shared in the modcoord discord, there's already a facist trying to take over /r/aww. The user is a former T_D mod, a sub which was actively involved in the January 6 riots and known for its misconduct across Reddit. These are the people that spez wants to empower.

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Fuck Meta and all they stand for.

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Ah cool, I didn't realize there was an option to just turn it off on the account level. That works for me, cheers!

It was mandatory when I converted to Satanism.

I'm a non-binary person who used to be pretty transmedicalist, if not outright transphobic and especially enbyphobic. Part of what brought me around was a de-escalation in the anger around explaining trans issues. When I first became aware of issues around using pronouns and non-binary people in 2012-ish, there was a lot of fury and very little real explaining. Just people berating others over not asking everyone for their pronouns or not understanding things about trans people. I was too scared to ask questions because everyone seemed so ready to jump down others throats and it really soured me, to the point of hanging around hate sites. It wasn't the only thing that pushed me in that direction but it certainly didn't push me away from being hateful.

A good part of what helped me come around understand was de-escalation of the anger and a genuine effort to explain things slowly and without judgement. After a while, sites started putting out longer articles about the nuances of trans and non-binary identities, and after I finally broke away from the hate sites, reading those helped me finally get it. I understand some of the anger. I get mad too. But I know from experience that yelling doesn't help convert anyone.

I've been playing Second Life for almost half of my life. I used to run a blog about it and often spend a few hours every day online chatting with people. Mentioning that I know anything about it inevitably triggers people to either ask "wait that still exists?" or "isn't that a sex game?"

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I understand and respect your decision here. Are there any plans to defederate from the porn instances?

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OP, thanks for being the sacrificial lamb here. Now I know never to ask a question about Windows if I don't want to hear irrelevant opinions from Linux snobs. Sorry you didn't get a lot of real answers.

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Problem is, conservatives have been trying to have a constitutional convention for a while. It's a goal of theirs to get enough state legislatures to do it. Should that happen, we're in for a really bad time.

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Ugh, about time they stopped shilling the NFT shit.

Android: Photo downloaded

Me: Where did you download it?

Android: ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Am I off base in seeing some similarities between this and the genocide of the Rohingya in Myanmar?

I got a display signage TV. Totally dumb. The only app it has is YouTube and that's optional. I don't even have the internet hooked up to it. Works fine for gaming and occasionally streaming via other devices.

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I got mine through Amazon. Samsung makes the cheapest ones I've found. Just search for something like "samsung commercial TV". They're generally a little more expensive than your ad/data harvesting-supported TVs but if you value your privacy and longevity of your devices, it's worth it.

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It also includes some of the most vulnerable and low income people in the country. People who cannot afford the care for a healthy pregnancy, let alone raising the resulting child(ren), and those who are in situations where they're at high risk of being raped, like the unhoused. Even if it doesn't affect my access, I'm pleased that the folks who need this coverage can access it.

How about a crafts community? We have DIY but crafts are a bit different. It could cover stuff like sewing, crocheting, needlepoint, dying, woodburning, pottery, glassblowing, all the artsy 3D items people make.

Related to the topic of defederation, I saw a post on kbin about an issue with an instance called being full of right wing troll types. Has the mod team investigated this instance? Would rather we be out ahead of it before they start coming over here to create issues.

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Minecraft. I'll play it if my friends ask me to but I found it incredibly frustrating and boring. The combat feels super weird and hard to execute, most of the discoveries are repetitive, and I didn't really like the building mechanic. I know, I'm in the minority for not enjoying it, but I guess voxel-style games just aren't my jam.

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Good move. Fuck Zuck.

They're shooting themselves in the foot with this stance. Handing over some very popular subreddits to the most aggressive, dissenting voices in a community who have no experience running that particular subreddit is a recipe for disaster. A hostile takeover is not going to set the new mods in a good light from the get-go, alienating them from the groups they're supposed to be running and creating an adversarial relationship. This will not turn out the way they're hoping.


I'm glad to hear that, thanks for being so proactive in keeping us safe.

In a fight between a corporation and a bunch of people very determined to get content for free, history shows the corporation always loses.

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What I'm hearing is that the images in the game can't be copyrighted and any of their competitors can use them with impunity. Awesome.

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The more these sham centers try to pretend that they're medical establishments, the more they're going to do this to people, and yet US lawmakers are giving them even more funding. They can't both say they're not medical providers and do things like ultrasounds.

Often people will say "If you know an autistic person, you know one autistic person" as a way to tell others that autism is a spectrum and we're not all the same. I think the same saying can be applied to nonbinary people. We're all different and how we relate to our gender varies. I know a bunch of other NBs and none of us are the same in our expression, pronouns, body feelings, any of that.

The older you are, the more effort I expect. A kid can get away with a cape and a mask. If an older teen comes, I expect full costume, not everyday clothes. Adult? You better be rocking a great cosplay. Not that I'd refuse anyone, but I'll be happiest giving treats to young children or people showing off really amazing effort in the costume department.

It's impossible to have a real discussion about this topic, especially right now. Anything other than "Israel is perfect and an innocent victim" is viewed as anti-semitic hate speech.

Good. Now they need to start enforcing bans on corporate facial recognition technology use everywhere.

Worse, people making AI CSAM will wind up causing police to waste resources investigating abuse that didn't happen, meaning those resource won't be used to save real children in actual danger.

What are we discoursing on now? I left Twitter and Reddit, I'm out of the loop.

ACAB includes Paw Patrol

ITT: People with extremely strong emotions about weight and extremely weak evidence to back up those feelings.

In the complete opposite direction, "I just want to enjoy the story" mode, which simplifies or removes more mechnically difficult sections of the game. A few games have this and it's great. I appreciated it in Danganrompa.

Faceless helmet-wearing space being, please and thank you.

I used to use Firefox but half the websites I visted were broken on it. Companies don't make their websites compatible with it anymore which really sucks. If Chrome kills adblocker, I'll switch back, but it's just annoying when you get to the middle of a transaction and the site stops working because the devs were too lazy to test on anything but Chrome.

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Great job, Elon. He took one of the most distinctive things about Twitter, the fact that it had a unique verb for its posting type, and killed it. Way to destroy a brand.