data secured

Like A to Programmer – 866 points –

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Android: Photo downloaded

Me: Where did you download it?

Android: ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah seriously, Android is way worse at this. At least Windows has the option to ask you where you want to save the file to first.

Solid Explorer has a "Recent" category on the directory tree. Really handy. Also, if you long-press on a file, you can open the directory the file is saved in.

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I miss the bot that gives you your arms back when you put that emoji

Downloads? Lol

¯_(ツ)_/¯ if you saved from a third party video editing photo editing apps or else it will save ANYWHERE the app likes

Sometimes AppName/whatever Or Pictures/AppName/ Or DCIM/AppName

Still thats on apps. There are apps in pc too which does that i guess

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