The Google messaging update looks bad. It reminded me I purchased textra a while ago. to – 343 points –

They really didn't have to redesign a text box. Please stop reinventing the wheel. I don't need another pop up in my life.


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The US seems to primarily still use sms. I've heard it's tied to having unlimited messaging phone plans being the norm, so people weren't as drawn to other platforms.

Also, you don't even need a platform at all. Just a phone and a phone number.

And US still has very expensive data plans compared to Finland (I pay 21e/month for unlimited 200mbps data, calls, sms). That could also be one factor why SMS is still used there so much 🤔

It's really that SMS has been free since about 2008.

I don't even think about my data usage, really. My plan is 10gb. That's a lot for a phone, and I let it connect to certain wifi networks while out and about. Plus it uses a VPN and my apps encrypt data so it's not really a concern.