Nikki Haley: Texas has the right to secede from the United States if it wants to to politics – 455 points –

Spoiler alert: No, it fucking doesn't.


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If this were the norm, every country would be split into a million pieces over every petty squabble. Each update to the tax code would fracture another shrinking state.

Think too of the power you wield when your Trump card is, "Okay, we'll just leave and you can have a potentially hostile country on your border. By the way, we're taking all of our natural resources and exports with us."

The gridlock in politics is bad enough. How little would get done if every small town in Alabama could hold the country hostage by threatening to create their own country?

We fought a war over this already and the secessionists lost. The courts also ruled that they cannot just leave. There is no legal mechanism to do so. They can try to pass an amendment but that won't happen because the rest of the country wouldn't agree to it.

If they don't want to be Americans anymore they're free to try and immigrate somewhere. That'd be hilariously ironic.

It's a pretty high bar to join, there's no reason leaving legally would be lower. It's certainly not something every small town in Alabama would be able to achieve. And if they did then they'd be stuck surrounded by a hard border with no trade agreement. That would last about a week.

So it would be limited to self sustaining regions and would still require consent from the US Congress.

Personally I would be in favor for granting DC the power to revoke Statehood, regardless of the desire of any given State to remain or leave. Sort of like, "These are the rules. Choose not to abide by them, and consider your membership in the Union revoked." Like, I'm sick of State governments egregiously flouting the authority of the Federal Government, of which they are ostensibly members, and getting away with it. At the very least Congress should have the power to place trade sanctions on States like Texas, since the Commerce Clause gives them the authority to "regulate interstate commerce".

Nah, California and NY would get the boot within 6 years.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the distinct communities really should be able to just leave.

Self-determination is everything and the idea that it has to be sacrificed in the name of cooperation is authoritarian manipulative garbage. Cooperation is a choice and requires voluntary participation to work, otherwise you're doing nothing more than justifying coercion and slavery while claiming to support democracy. Ain't how it works, champ.

So I say let the Kekistani motherfuckers leave. Let them leave. The U.S. can take its military assets out of their territories and they can build their own armies and forge their own alliances out there in the real world.

Let them leave so we all can be happy again.