Biden sanctions Israeli settlers over West Bank violence to – 610 points –
Biden sanctions Israeli settlers over West Bank violence

He signed an executive order on Thursday, saying violence had reached "intolerable levels".

The sanctions will block the individuals from accessing all US property and other assets.

Violence in the West Bank has spiked since Hamas's 7 October attack on Israel.


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Now do the same with the Israeli state

Yeah, what good are sanctions if the Israeli government is still giving them US weapons to continue terrorising Palestinians in the West bank?

It's a warning shot.

Good thing we're doing warning shots over a 100 days in, after Gaza has been turned into rubble and like 2% of the population has died.

Geopolitics involving nuclear armaments happens slowly, unfortunately. It’s a nasty situation, but the political will is shifting away from Israel.

The US can’t unilaterally stop supporting a long time ally without undermining the trust the rest of our Allie’s have in the US- and by extension NATO as a whole. At least not without taking small steps at a time

They won't. Geopolitics is 4D chess. Not sure who's winning, but Israel is America's only Middle Eastern ally other than Saudi Arabia.