Russian General Alexander Tatarenko 'Killed in Ukraine's Belbek Air Base Strike' to World – 183 points –
Russian General Alexander Tatarenko 'Killed in Ukraine's Belbek Air Base Strike'

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That lists 9, which doesn't seem like a fuck tonne

For context, Russia has been at war with Ukraine for almost two years. They have lost 9 Generals. The US was in Afghanistan for two decades. We lost 1.

9 is a fuck ton of senior staff in 2 years.

It's hard to get a good picture imo. Russia is from what I understand top heavy so has more. Wiki says 1000 in 2008. Granted I don't think all of them are active and there's sectors like logistics that have generals, as well as different types of general although the wiki list only mentions the two highest types.

I would love to see an article that goes in depth on what this means for their army.

The US military (all branches) has just over 600 flag officers. If Russia has 1000 that's still a massive difference between the loss rate. (.16% vs .9% or 139% difference) Also the US military also has logistics generals, not sure where you were going with that, could you please expand on it?

I'm not a numbers person so my math may be a tad wonky but that still looks like a significant impact.

If your just saying the army then the US has 218 as a max number of generals. 1 loss is almost .5% (.45%) of their numbers in 23 years. Russia lost almost 1% (.9%) in 2 years. At that pace in 23 years they should expect to lose almost 103 generals or over 10% of their flag officers.

That's a rate of .5% of generals a year. The US is averaging that in 2 decades.

I don't care how top heavy they are; 1% is an impactful amount of flag officers to lose in a year. Even if the impact is only to morale.