Halo Infinite lost 98% of its players on Steam since release

GamerKick@lemmy.worldbanned from community to Games@lemmy.world – 276 points –

The 343 Industries shooter exclusive to PC and Xbox consoles is at its worst on the Valve platform with a considerable drop in players compared to its premiere.


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Maybe unpopular opinion... Should Halo invert its focus? Currently it's multiplayer first, singeplayer second. If the multiplayer modes cannot maintain a playerbase then its not going to be a main driver of success. The battle royale and hero shooter crazes haven't left much room for the Halo multiplayer format to succeed these days: most of the potential players are focusing on something else.

I think if they could deliver kickass campaigns consistently that they could keep Halo as a successful franchise. If they keep chasing multiplayer it'll fade into obscurity soon enough.

ID software (makers of doom), would make a halo game better than anything 343 could put out.

The single player on rails experience is desperately needed.

id would be great for Halo! The only reason I wouldn't want that is because I want them sticking with whatever they're working on and already passionate about.

Idk, the whole Doom Eternal soundtrack disaster between ID and MG made them sour in my eyes

That's an issue with the management being assholes, but not being incompetent. The game was great, and asshole behavior can be fixed or the assholes can be replaced. Incompetence is harder to correct.

I know, just pointing out. Although from reading Mick's open letter on Medium, they were incompetent at one thing: communication and setting deadlines (not too far from what Reddit was doing with the 3rd-party devs!)

This was the plan initially, then they fired everyone :(

I played Halo for the singleplayer. The first 2 games were wonderful.