Microsoft is seeking a software architect to port Microsoft 365 to Rust

Lee to – 152 points –
Microsoft is seeking a software architect to port Microsoft 365 to Rust

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Imagine being such a niche language that a single job posting makes headlines. In another 10.000 maybe I'll be able to get a Rust job too.

It's less the job post, more the implication, that they consider Rust to be better than (their internally developed) C# for one of their major products. And that I think is worth news (as it could further drive towards adoption of Rust in general).

This. C# has been losing momentum for years but some people just won't see it. I think Microsoft trying to move 365 of of it is just another big flag that devs need to start looking elsewhere.

Microsoft has been pretty open that they intend to move to Rust. They are currently re-building the Windows API in Rust as well. I do expect they will try to push .NET in that world which will be a bummer.

Yeah, this is pretty funny from that perspective.

the news isn't that there's one job listing, the news is that Microsoft office 365 is being rewritten in rust.