3 Post – 123 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Didn't Epic lose the fight against Apple? How is Google more of a monopoly than Apple? It is incredibly easy to sideload apps on Android compared to iPhones, and there are multiple dedicated unofficial stores. These verdicts are not coherent at all between them. I understand they are two separate judges, but the law should be the same for all, not at the interpretation of whichever judge you get.

Edit: for future reference, Verge answers this very question here

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Can't wait for the Onion article covering this news!

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Of course the community driven, anarchic nature of Wikipedia is a threat to the status quo of capitalists dominating society. Musk can't stand this, because it shows how ultra wealthy, incompetent dicktators like him are unnecessary.

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I really wish LinkedIn would add an anonymous cringe emoji. I would use it on like 90% of the content on that site.

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Top 10 on the leaderboard get boosted in job searches.

But in all seriousness, this is why searching continuous growth ruins products. LinkedIn had a decent thing going as a job board a few years ago. Instead of focusing on that experience (which is still surprisingly underdeveloped) it added all this useless shit and became a Facebook with a paper thin mask of professionalism. It is now a place used mostly to spread toxic corporate culture and I dread its logo any time I open it to search for a job.

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Here's a crazy idea to make your population grow: how about not sending your people to die in a war?

Has there ever been an all-hands meeting where the CEO was not cringeworthy?

I just assume it's the minimum amount of yearly cringe you have to endure to stay employed.

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I've often come across this sentiment in Steam reviews and it's very reductive to judge games based mainly on this metric. Getting older I have less time for videogames and I value shorter games more. There are games that are extremely valuable because of their high quality even if very short, like the first Portal.

This is why we have companies like Ubisoft trying to game the system constantly with low quality content to pad the game to 100 hours or whatever is fashionable in open world these days. I will take 6 hours of quality single player anytime over 100 hours of AssCreed grinding and ridiculous 'story'

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Why the fuck is a page about fonts using 50% CPU?! Is it mining crypto or something?

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I see two points in your argument:

Everything becoming a social network

People working at tech companies have to justify their salary somehow and this is low hanging fruit for adding 'features' as all people feel some need for connection. Feeling that a place is alive with other people will motivate your more to engage with it, rather than say, your own Git hosted server. I don't mind the social features added to GitHub as long as they don't take the main stage, like it did in the LinkedIn transformation.

GitHub monopoly of open source

GitHub has for most of the time been the main place for open source. I don't see a monopoly as necessarily bad as long as it remains focused on some values other than profit. I would rather have one big Wikipedia than a shitload of small fractured Wikipedias. Can it become a problem going forward, like it did with Reddit? Definitely, but I am cautiously optimistic. And in the worst case, git is heavily decentralized by design so you're one git remote add && git push away from moving. Migrating issues would be a bit more of a hassle, but surely there are solutions. And CI is not easily portable, but not a huge amount of work to convert to other formats.

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In a functioning society these fucks would have been sued into bankruptcy for suppressing those studies in the 80s. In our society they can continue to make record profits every year

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We are committed to creating value for our customers and shareholders.

Fixed a typo in the report

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I just switched to a few years ago. Way better, simpler, easily version controlled and reviewed, completely FOSS. Only downside is it's just for VSCode, if that's not your thing

The exploit's sophistication and the feature's obscurity suggest the attackers had advanced technical capabilities

exploiting a vulnerability in an undocumented hardware feature that few if anyone outside of Apple and chip suppliers such as ARM Holdings knew of.

according to Russian officials also infected the iPhones of thousands of people working inside diplomatic missions and embassies in Russia

the devices were infected with full-featured spyware that, among other things, transmitted microphone recordings, photos, geolocation, and other sensitive data to attacker-controlled servers

Sounds like government espionage

puts tinfoil hat on

Imagine being such a niche language that a single job posting makes headlines. In another 10.000 maybe I'll be able to get a Rust job too.

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CEO: "We have observed through careful analysis that by locking our customers inside the restaurant, they will continue to order food from us in order to not starve. Therefore, from now on, all doors shall now be one way only"

Investors: "What brilliant entrepreneurship!"

I'm also curious what the allegations are. The only ones I ever heard were from Epic, which was basically making a big fuss to promote their own competitive platform (which was so shit it didn't gain any traction apart from the free games).

I've tried all the online stores ever since the cloudification (remember Impulse?) but none have ever been able to compete with Steam in terms of features and value to the customer. Steam didn't get to the top by being anti competitive, it got there by being competitive and offering a better product to all stakeholders, not just to shareholders.

And as you mentioned, there is plenty of competition for Steam. Don't like the monoply? Get it on GOG or Itch instead.

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More like Hitler I think. Mussolini offered to crush ongoing communist and anarchist revolts to secure order for the ruling elite and they were happy to give him the power. Hitler got into office democratically by leveraging an economic crisis and then used loopholes and violence to secure a role as dictator.

So this will apply to games that have already been distributed on stores as well? How the fuck is such a change in the terms even legal?

I guess this will mostly impact F2P mobile devs since they will lose most money from installs. The good news is that Godot is more than capable for those types of games.

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Exactly, there is a huge amount of quality content on Youtube. No need to demonize everyone because of shit like this. I honestly never even see ridiculous recommendations like these, so it really depends on what you watch and how you curate your feed.

While I agree with the title, this particular analysis is kind of shallow. It's one thing to analyze predatory game design, but here it's mostly "I don't like this so it's bad". It's also very narrowly focusing on AAA open world. Old AAA open worlds were much worse. Remember how empty and soulless the first Far Cry and AssCreed were?

I laughed when the author makes a bunch of examples where he calls cutscenes a waste of time. I don't like action games for example and I can't find any enjoyment in Dark Souls, but I'm not going to argue that it's a waste of time or ignore the fact that people genuinely like it.

And then he goes on to say that modern games are made by random people in tech that aren't into gaming. I mean, bro, have you tried applying for a fucking job as a game developer?? Participated in a lunch break at a gaming company where 90% of people only talk about videogames?

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This year's Unity story sums up my discontent with tech nicely. Impressive tech made by extremely talented people, botched by incompetent corporate parasites who care only about securing their millions.

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It's not defamation if it's true. Getting punished for stating the obvious is the hallmark of a fascist state. It's fishy that the original video from Repubblica has been removed.

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Considering how well the metaverse is doing, it's good to have a backup plan

It's a competitive game. You have to be able to recognize features as fast as possible and a vibrant color scheme can help with that. And I just like seeing things without turning max brightness and going in the basement. There is no need to set some mood here with a dark gothic color palette

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Anti-consumerism is bad because it would expose the fact that our economy is overproducing shit we don't need, so we would need a massive reorganization of society. You can tell who that is bad for.

Sounds a lot like the French Revolutionary Calendar:

It's funny how Jesus was actually more reasonable than most conservatives today. If only they actually bothered to read him

notwithstanding "any other provision of law," federal funds would be barred from being paid out "in a year to an individual whose adjusted gross income is equal to or greater than $1,000,000."

I am surprised that in the USA you can make a million income in a year and still get payed welfare. But then again I really shouldn't be.

It's a full time job to answer completely, but from what I know he finances escape fantasies for the rich which they call seasteading. He calls it a libertarian ideal to create these new colonial city states, but what he means is liberty for his ilk from taxes, regulation and societal rules. Meanwhile his brainchild Palantir erodes the rights of the poor people who are left behind through surveillance, military technology and ICE funding. But this is all in line with his ideology, because apartheid "works" in South Africa according to Thiel

Exactly. The only reason Java is remotely tolerable today is because of influences from those 'fad' languages. Kotlin and Scala were also fads when they came out, they just got adopted because Java was utter shit at the time. Hell, even Java was a fad at some point in time.

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There's some evidence that he read Atlas Shrugged, which is about a poor executive who "suffers" under increasing government regulation. It's like a bible for CEOs

Looks really awesome, going to try it out when there's a Linux version. VSCode is great, but could use some more performant competition.

How can you tell if someone uses vim? Don't worry, they'll tell you about it.

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Thanks. So TLDR:

  1. PMFN (Platform Most-Favored-Nations clause): Valve forces publishers to price games on other platforms at the same price or higher than Steam. This is an anticompetitive monopoly because publishers can't sell the game at lower prices on platforms with a lower cut than 30%, which would improve competitiveness. Very valid point
  2. Keys that publishers can sell on other storefronts are limited. This point is moot. The fact that Steam allows you to activate a product that was purchased elsewhere and then use their infrastructure to download the game is way more than they have to do. They can completely make the rules here as this is basically a free service that you get from Valve.
  3. Some murky points about Valve policing review bombing that isn't explained properly.

He's a small time capitalist. These guys have society shaping power and wealth

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Meanwhile, Jesus in 20 centuries of art:

As well as running Cop28 in Dubai, Al Jaber is also the chief executive of the United Arab Emirates’ state oil company, Adnoc, which many observers people with a brain see as a serious conflict of interest.

Honestly, what fucking editor are you using that doesn't allow you to configure tab length? Wordpad?

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I would say the rocket is ready for billionaires who want to beta test it.