The cycle of the day... to Lemmy.World – 243 points –
  1. Get bored.
  2. Open Reddit.
  3. Remember I'm not using reddit today.
  4. Open Lemmy.
  5. Go do something else.
  6. Go to number 1.

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I suppose I might just be a crazy person, but this seems as good a place to ask as any.

Any reason my upvotes (& downvotes for that matter) don't seem to stick? Just made an account and was scrolling thru this thread, upvoted some comments. And within like 2 seconds, the blue upvote highlight disappeared and the comment score went back to what it was before I had interacted. Same with downvotes.

Imma try it on desktop soon.

i get this a lot randomly as well, on any platform. i assume it's just a bug, sometimes hours later it'll have worked on the server side, sometimes not. very annoying

Cool beans, thanks for responding.

It does seem to register ultimately even if seems to reverse on the front-end. In, other news how are you liking the switch over from reddit?

Trying to figure out the Lemmy system, it's a bit obtuse at first glance. But as someone mentioned in another thread, that may just be a feature not a bug.

Haven't deleted my account on reddit, but did replace the sync icon on my phone with jerboa. and just been avoiding old.reddit on the desktop. I feel like the kid in starship troopers stomping on bugs yelling "I'll do my part!" (minus the animal cruelty, of course)