0 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes, 100%.

I really can't tell if you're being serious. Just in case...

The prophet Muhammad was a real piece of shit etc etc etc.

See? I'm allowed to do that. Thankfully I live somewhere I don't have to be in fear of saying things like that.

They didn't, at least not in what I read.

They're just outlining how stupid the argument is.

40 more...

So he was put out with fire extinguishers and transported to the nearest hospital.

Apparently a gun was also drawn and aimed at him while he was set himself on conflagarion.

I did have to look up conflagarian to make sure that I was using it correctly. I still don't think I am.

But if anybody else is curious about what happened to him, I think he's alive and in a hospital. Saved you the click.

17 more...

He's been a better president than Obama was.

It's not particularly close in my opinion.

I'm hella biased, but the SAVE plan and not accruing interest on student loans as long as you make payments is a huge win.

There's no reason they couldn't have done this under Obama....

Edit: just wanted to mention that this restructuring for student loans had absolutely nothing to do with Congress

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I don't know that it is unnecessarily harsh.

A guy with no training going around trying to catch pedophiles. He's not the only one doing it in the US, and it's almost always for clout.

People trying to be Mark Hanson and catch predators, except they don't have a team of people and actual police contacts to help them. And it's not because they're so concerned about possible victims. It's cuz they wanna play hero and put some shine on their name.

This dude managed to get himself killed and leave behind a dependent child. He kinda WAS being an idiot. I feel bad for the kid.

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Hey this is a pretty interesting story, got a link?

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Y'all I dislike forced browser adoption as much as the next guy.

And I've been using Firefox for years and years and years now.

But, I'm forced to use edge for work. And, as a browser purely, none of the anti-trust baggage attached....

It's really not too bad. A lot of things work just fine. And sometimes, if I'm having weird performance on a website on a personal device, loading the same URL in edge has resulted in improved/expected functionality of the website

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I suppose I might just be a crazy person, but this seems as good a place to ask as any.

Any reason my upvotes (& downvotes for that matter) don't seem to stick? Just made an account and was scrolling thru this thread, upvoted some comments. And within like 2 seconds, the blue upvote highlight disappeared and the comment score went back to what it was before I had interacted. Same with downvotes.

Imma try it on desktop soon.

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As if that excuses their behavior on a forum dedicated to learning and solving problems?

Everyone gets annoyed at oft-repeated questions. But the answer is moderation, which is also unpaid.

Not vitriol and skullduggery.

They linked the kilogram to the gravitational force.

It's part of an effort to clarify how we define things. We're now trying to link our recorded units to the basic forces they are related to. So now, the kilogram is defined by the gravitational force, the meter by how fast light travels, etc etc

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Yeah I saw a similar sentiment on another thread that summarizes to: Lemmy being a little hard to figure out might be a feature, not a bug.

I'm absolutely no elitist, but I think a lot of us can attest to the overall quality of reddit content decreasing over time. I browse r/all and so tired of seeing the constant reposts, many by bots etc etc.

Remains to be seen how everything will shake out. But Lemmy does seem chill so far, and less vitriol in general

I literally create AD groups as a small part of my job

Obviously, I can't go into any more details just in case. Yes, certainly Linux is King of the server world.

But your information is not up to date. We're not going to Azure anytime soon. Congratulations, you are making broad sweeping claims that just don't hold up to the least amount of investigation.

3 more...

Well in that case....

scribbles furiously

Andrew, I'm just saying.....

Time to give that dog a full bowl

Honestly, I would start with learning JavaScript.

Anything in the browser runs on JavaScript, and it's a very forgiving language to learn for beginners.

Had one of these.

Sadly misplaced it after about 3 years of use.

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While you do make a fair point...

I imagine the rules would be somewhat similar to my co-ed soccer rec league team. At least every third pass has to be to a girl etc etc.

There's ways to keep it competitive and fun for a co-ed non-contact sport. Not sure how that translates to any kind of professional setting though.

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A doctor is anybody with a doctorate.

Somehow, colloquially, we came to only refer to MD's ( Doctor of Medicine ) as doctors.

A PhD is just a Doctor of Philosophy. A PhD doesn't make anyone a doctor more so than an MD or a JD. Yes, even a lawyer is a doctor.

Anybody with a doctorate degree is a doctor. And just for fun, all a doctorate means is the highest degree awarded by a graduate school or other approved educational organization. Feel like I'm getting too technical with this so I'm just going to stop writing this comment.

Sports ball is the best ball

Great, I also complain about not having a better representative for the Democrats.

But I'm still going to vote for Biden

I'm sorry, but free for online multiplayer is only a thing for consoles if the game itself is f2p

So you can play apex or ow2 multiplayer on your console for "free" but any other game that isn't explicitly f2p, you will need an online subscription like ps plus/ Xbox live etc

9 more...

Hey not much to say, just a minor correction. I was trying to find the movie you mentioned, and not much came up.

On Google, I found a movie called "First they Killed my father". Think that was the one you were talking about.

Cool beans, thanks for responding.

It does seem to register ultimately even if seems to reverse on the front-end. In, other news how are you liking the switch over from reddit?

Trying to figure out the Lemmy system, it's a bit obtuse at first glance. But as someone mentioned in another thread, that may just be a feature not a bug.

Haven't deleted my account on reddit, but did replace the sync icon on my phone with jerboa. and just been avoiding old.reddit on the desktop. I feel like the kid in starship troopers stomping on bugs yelling "I'll do my part!" (minus the animal cruelty, of course)

I have found that it really really helps to keep a notebook and keep a running list per day of all the things I HAVE to do that day

I work as a developer/ cloud IT engineer. All day long people mention something in meetings or I need to check the uptime/status of a particular asset. It was getting to be too much to keep track of every little thing I had to do.

I eventually settled for writing down things mentioned to me, or things that I'm reminded of. The vast majority of my work I remember, don't need to write down to keep track of.

Glancing over this, I get that it's incredibly vague advice. But following a version of this, and starting a new page every day, has really helped me keep track of things.

3 more...

Really wish people would stop spouting random bullshit.

This is so clearly not a veal crate. To be clear, I don't even eat any beef, pork, red meat in general.

They just released the patch on game pass.

Give it another shot.

I didn't even realize chess had separated mens/womens events. I figured maybe a U18 and an open tournament. Is this par for normal? Or do most grandmasters etc compete at open tournaments?

5 more...

No thanks.

We tried that in 2016

Can't deny swag when u see it

It's not always about cost but convenience.

Got hot water? Add instant coffee and you're done.

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Daft Punk for the Honda Tron Remix 2.0 album or gtfo

I applaud you setting up a pi-hole....

But please bro, you've probably seen hundreds of ads this month if not more. Not everything is listed on the pi hole ad lists.

And not every ad classifies itself as an "ad".

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I talked to my dentist about this, actually.

His conclusion was: preferably brush after breakfast, yes it's ideal to wait For 30-60 mins but that rarely happens so just do it when you can after it's not that big a deal

I'm summarizing, of course. But that was the gist of it

Just depends on what lighting your brain perceives it. I see it as black and blue so clearly in the thumbnail.

When opening up the full image, it's white-and-gole. Light properties and additive/subtractive colors be wilding.

For sure don't use jquery.

React is industry standard, but not my favorite. That being said, even my personal projects I do in react. I'm happy with my current role, but if I wanna switch down the line there's less openings for a dev with mostly Svelte (my favorite framework) experience.

I am completely convinced that people who say LLMs should not be used for coding.....

Either do not do much coding for work, or they have not used an LLM when tackling a problem in an unfamiliar language or tech stack.

Gestures, so no toolbar on mobile

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Quoting Taylor Swift is.... an interesting choice when talking about climate changes.

Didn't her recent tour require 90+ semi trucks just to go from city to city? Not even going to mention all the emissions that result from whenever they have to travel by plane.

Yes, popular music acts that tour are a HUGE part of the problem.

Also, my bad I'm not tryna harp on you just because I recognized a song lyric. I'm a Taylor Swift fan myself. Well, more of a chiefs fan. And by value of the transitive property....

Edit: also apparently all air travel only accounts for about 2% of emissions. So while my point isnt technically wrong it's missing the forest for the trees

7 more...

Hell yeah!!

About damn time

Yes it has, this meme is not necessarily with the times

Edit: or at least, a tiny bit dated. Although I've written and deployed express servers... Haven't yet encountered any enterprise level back-end architecture written in JavaScript.

Usually in C# or Java.