The cycle of the day... to Lemmy.World – 243 points –
  1. Get bored.
  2. Open Reddit.
  3. Remember I'm not using reddit today.
  4. Open Lemmy.
  5. Go do something else.
  6. Go to number 1.

Jerboa (mobile app for Lemmy) is really great so far! Feels basically the same to me as Boost was. The sign in process is a little odd (top left hamburger menu, accounts, add account).

I'm staying here, I'm done with Reddit.

I'm sorta looking forward to how lemmy/beehive/fediverse system improves. It's kinda exciting. Like sure things are a bit rough around the edges for now but so was reddit for a long time. Seems like there's a lot of people working to improve and make it better, and the communities are actually pretty big! I'm excited to get off reddit, that shit was getting stale and I'm hoping that this "reset" will also help build new communities that aren't just reposting the same shit over and over again.

Yeah I've been enjoying that aspect too, finding posts from communities I've never heard of before.

I never paid for Reddit, but I've already donated to ( and the Jerboa app. I've done the same for signal. Just a couple of coffees worth, but I see myself doing it from time to time as I remember.

I'm just so pumped about the way things are growing here, and think this federated donation-based model for a Reddit-like app is fantastic.

Yeah, I'm really liking this app. Works pretty smoothly and has great UI.

ive been spending anywhere from 1-4 hours a day on reddit for the past..13 years? probably the most ingrained habit i have. Broke that habit as of two days ago. Weirdly enough, its not even that difficult. Its like i just understood that its time to move on, like a breaking point in a toxic relationship.

Only downside so far is having nothing to do during public transit. Not enough hobby specific discussion here yet, everyone keeps babbling about leaving reddit, like i am right now.. xd

Find a community that you like here and create post and talk. Only way around reddit for now. Give it a week and it will die down

The blackout is over after tonight, so I guess we'll see how things go then. I left because rif is shutting down on the 30th, so I figured I might as well cut the cord now. I deleted the app when the first sub I subbed to went dark, and I haven't looked back. Today is my third full day without it. I haven't been on Lemmy as much, which is definitely a good thing, lol, but I'm really enjoying it so far. The community seems much more conversational and less offensive. I don't get offended easily, but when people do it just for the sake of being offensive, I don't like it, and reddit was full of those people.

Most of the redditors only use reddit. To get news, memes, communicate, QnA, everything. That's the reason this protest isn't that effective. People are still gonna browse now and then and give them the sweet ad money, because people literally have nothing else to do.

I kept doing this and finally just moved the Jerboa for Lemmy app to where I had RIF and it's been working great.

That's what I did too. It's not quite the same. But muscle memory doesn't betray me at least.

I purposefully moved RIF off of my home screen. My stupid muscle memory kept tapping it every time my idle brain opened the phone. Trying out Jerboa as an app for lemmy at the moment.

Exactly my experience and what I ended up doing, put Jerboa on the spot I normally have RIF

I'm on a Pixel so not sure if what I'm about to say is possible for everyone, but I used "Digital Wellbeing" to set a usage limit of 0 minutes for RiF, then put Jerboa in the same spot. Working for me at least to not have to completely change muscle memory.

That were first two days here, but now I'm invested, people started to share more and suddenly i catch myself scrolling Lemmy for 15 minutes instead of working

Amen. Half the battle is actually contributing/replying for engagement metrics, so here I am :)

I wish I could find an enjoyable experience, but it’s tough to use Lemmy the way I want on iOS. I’m sticking with it though and hoping tooling catches up soon.

Try Mlem! It's still in Testflight (beta version for iOS), but you can create testflight account and download it for free. It will also help creators of the app find bugs and whatnot! I'm using it rn and it's nice, they're very passionate about it! if not mlem you can also open Lemmy on safari and then make webapp by tapping share icon and then choosing "add to home screen". It will create bookmark on home screen that dont have browser interface and it's working really good actually.

I’m currently doing both of those, but neither suit my preferred Reddit workflow.

I want to see fresh posts from across the entire fediverse. I don’t care about things I’m subscribed to.

Safari iOS will auto refresh the “hot” page and it’s unreadable because it’s constantly scrolling as new posts are loaded in.

Mlem doesn’t allow you sort All posts by Hot at all :(

You can change default sorting in Lemmy settings, but i agree that constant refreshing is frustrating :(

I’ve found refuge in my kindle. I break the cycle by forcing myself to read books (trashy sci-fi novels mostly) But I DO want something to keep abreast of what’s going on further from my brain, and Lemmy has almost enough content to get a relatively neutral feed of information. Won’t take much to cross the watershed for me…

I love trashy sci-fi! Any recommendations?

All of CJ Cherryh's stuff, Ghoster (Lee McKee), The heechee saga, all the old (60's through now) scifi short story anthologies, the Star of the guardians trilogy. I used to trawl used book stores (when that was a thing) with a backpack full of trade ins . Used the anthologies to find authors, etc etc. Something for something, What about you?

I probably don’t have much to share that you haven’t read already. I used to love some of the older stuff like Heinlein, the Riverworld series, Xanth novels, Robert Asprin, but I find (for me personally) a lot of that style/era just doesn’t hold up over time. Most of the newer sci-fi that I read feels like it takes itself way too seriously, which has its place but I’m not always in the mood for that. I have really enjoyed the Bobiverse audiobooks though.

Robert Asprin is a new one for me, I'll have to look around, thanks!

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I suppose I might just be a crazy person, but this seems as good a place to ask as any.

Any reason my upvotes (& downvotes for that matter) don't seem to stick? Just made an account and was scrolling thru this thread, upvoted some comments. And within like 2 seconds, the blue upvote highlight disappeared and the comment score went back to what it was before I had interacted. Same with downvotes.

Imma try it on desktop soon.

i get this a lot randomly as well, on any platform. i assume it's just a bug, sometimes hours later it'll have worked on the server side, sometimes not. very annoying

Cool beans, thanks for responding.

It does seem to register ultimately even if seems to reverse on the front-end. In, other news how are you liking the switch over from reddit?

Trying to figure out the Lemmy system, it's a bit obtuse at first glance. But as someone mentioned in another thread, that may just be a feature not a bug.

Haven't deleted my account on reddit, but did replace the sync icon on my phone with jerboa. and just been avoiding old.reddit on the desktop. I feel like the kid in starship troopers stomping on bugs yelling "I'll do my part!" (minus the animal cruelty, of course)

i just replaced the Reddick icon with lemmy

Yeah, once I replaced RiF with the Jerboa icon it's like muscle memory Day 2 and I'm already used to jerboa/Lemmy/feddiverse whatever you wanna call it lol

I ditched Reddit a few weeks ago for other reasons (I am going full FOSS/decentralised services). My Reddit account was 11 years old, I don't miss it at all.

I doctored my bookmarks to exclude Reddit. On my phone I replaced it was Jerboa, which I was very impressed with as an alpha app. It's already better than Reddit's official app. I'm very guilty of doing the same like you. Launch up reddit then correct myself. I'm comitted to the move away.

I used rif, so I'm just done with reddit now. I'm not using any other app, and I refuse to use a browser. Bye bye, reddit.

@wheresyourshoe @CascadeDismayed RIP Rif i'm going to miss the notifications on new post. I actually got a lot done. go about my day. check rif for new notifications on post. reply comment or upvote then boom go back to doing my business. now I got lemmy and mastodon and i'm on it like a crack addict lmao!

It's usually difficult for me to break habits, but right now I'm motivated by rage and contempt, which is making it a lot easier. And the fediverse is like a methadone drip to come down from the heroin-like addictiveness of endless information.

Tip: instead of opening reddit, just search "reddit" and read all the tech news articles shitting on Steve Huffman in diplomatic ways. It's very satisfying.

I anticipated this and deleted my (3rd party) app icon on the 11th. Just migrated here today. This definitely fills the void for me. I'll only miss a select few subreddits.

Same, RIF will be dead soon once the API changes take effect. Might as well rip the bandaid off now.

Yeah, same here. Lemmy sort of scratches the itch, but it's a big itch.

Communities will need time to grow again, but I'm hopeful and cautiously optimistic

Same. It reminds me of the early days of reddit with those small communities. Unless reddit goes back on its changes, more and more people will come here.

We might get some dope 3rd party apps and then we're golden.

I on the other hand feel free lol. I have no urge to check reddit and I'm still exploring lemmy. Also it's just better to go do other things instead of wasting my phone battery just for the sake of wasting time.

Yeah, I'll admit there is the excitement of having a new toy and figuring out how it all works. That takes away some of the boredom or time I'd be scrolling reddit.

Lemmy has replaced everything reddit was for me, so I just deleted the app

Yeah I wish people would stop posting on Lemmy about Reddit and start posting something interesting instead

That will probably take a while. The only reason we’re here is because of reddit and spez being a greedy pigboy, so naturally that’s gonna be a topic of discussion for a while.

Once this place has a chance to build up a bit of an identity, I suspect that’ll go away.

It's gonna be like this until the blackout is over. eventually we will move on from reddit

I open Reddit way too often. Today I replaced my Reddit shortcut with Lemmy. Jerboa needs some refining but it'll do for now. Let's give it a go!

Jerboa has made the transition much smoother than I expected. Dark mode, card views and basic collapsing and font adjustment is such a relief.

I opened it twice today and was met with the ‘Reddit is killing Third-Party Applications’ and remembered I need to keep sticking it to the man.

Went to go get some errands done, and come back to find I have more Lemmy upvotes than I had karma in the last 10 years lol.

I swear I've opened Reddit at least 4 times just out of habit before remembering.

I am getting more replies here and things feel overall more active than what I have seen on reddit in years. The fire has brought the engagement out in people and its a blast.

If you lack something to post, shitpost, for the cause.

I moved my Apollo icon to a different location, and it helped the first couple times. But now… I’ve quickly replaced the habit with loading up Lemmy in my browser, haha

I thought I was addicted to Reddit, but compared to some of you I was totally fine all along! Hurrah!

For me, reddit was mostly something I browsed in a moment of boredom, micro breaks from work to clear my mind, or on the toilet.

Unlocking my phone and clicking on the app was one of those muscle-memory actions I wouldn't even think about. Especially when stoned..

I've unlocked my phone and clicked on the empty space in my home screen before I consciously processed what I had just done.

I've now replaced it with jerboa for lemmy haha.

Perspective may not fix my problems, but it sure makes me happy I'm not those guys.

I moved my Apollo icon off the home page so I would quit accidentally click it out of habit.

I used reddit for exactly two things, memes and news. Lemmy has become my home for memes, and I downloaded a separate link aggregator for news. And with those two satisfied, I have no issues leaving behind reddit. It was just handy to have an all in one, and lemmy could definitely get there.

I deleted the official Reddit app and have only gone to r/tildes to check to see if they're offering invites again. I do hope to see a community to match learnprogramming and learnpython show up here.

When I click your link I get stuck on the wrong server or something and can’t comment, any advice?

I think you have to enter the community in your url bar like this:
which I think in your case would be:

Try that out and get back to me. I am also brand new to the Fediverse, kind of feels like the blind leading the blind. But I'm sure we will figure it out.

edit: just realized what you're asking. I know how to make a community link that can be accessed from any instance, but not a post link. I want to link the FAQ's from my instance so that anyone can read it, but I'm still not sure how.

I got the hang of lemmy. Very simple. I've deleted all instances of reddit on my phone and won't use it on desktop. I love this site

I fuckin like Lemmy man. It's kinda jank on the app (Jerboa) but it's in alpha and they're doing a great job fixing it and making it intuitive. It's fun to talk in the comments, threads are smaller but the chat is real. I wish there was more content but it'll come.

Idk man it's cool I dig it.

I'm on the app right now and I find the jank kind of charming.

This is definitely not the right place but I'm not finding any answers elsewhere.

How can I "subscribe"to different communities on jerboa? Right now I've got the all but I'd like to find the equivalent of my favorite subreddits. If appreciate the help.

Easiest way currently is to use the Lemmy community browser

Then search any community you wish to join and view their sidebar and copy their !link.whatever and copy that,Then click into the magnifying glass on your instance in this case and make sure it is set to all when you search

Thank you for the reply! People have been far nicer over at Lemmy so far!

Search for them (Second icon from the left on the bottom), and there should be a "subscribe" button on the page that comes up if you click a result