
2 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

All of them?

This is just fucking barbarous. There is so much hate and bad blood in this region it is almost unbelievable.

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This is a very important note, and I am afraid this post will confuse people. Yes, there are multiple c/games, but you can follow all of them from any of the accounts and comment, post and otherwise interact as long as your instances are federated.

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It's a criminal offence. In a US wystem, that means no voting, driving of much of anyrhing else for around two decades.

I find it very confusing that they are defederating. Beehaw users can choose to watch local content only. Why damage the federation in this crucial time?

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I think this is a real blow to the Russians. While 5 km after 3 months might not sound good, its 5 km through what has to be the largest and most complex fortification line in Europe since WW2. We are talking about defense in debth with miles of minefields, tank traps, trenches and with significant reserves.

If Ukranians keep pushing eventualy they will breach through... and then its rush to the sea.

If you are not on lemmy.ml or lemmingrad there is nothing to look out for because these people have no influence on your content.

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Don't worry, its a bug. "Hot" sorting has freezed. Just use new and you will see just how active everything is.

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People seem confused. The left one is the older game.

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Within reason. A trans person can be as entitled or self centered as anyone else. Trans people, like all people, can take genuinely harmless content and interpret it wrong. Its normal, we all do it.

Alternatevly, here is the same clip from the same channel on Peertube - https://tilvids.com/w/pTbTyQeZSkzzaKw1nfpmux

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That us definetely top tier sleep deprivation.

That makes a lot of sense.

What's with the comments? BG3 is a breathtaking game.

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They moderste lemmy.ml and lemmingrad. Apart from those, in which they are admins, they have zero influence or power anywhere else... Lemmy world and other indtances have completely different people in charge.

Fuck the Kremlin.


"I will leave the throne to my son, Crown Prince Frederik," she announced.

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Stop dehumanising hundreds of millions of people that brought us cultural and scientific advancements over the past centruies, forever enriching the human civilization.

Yes, currently Russia is a corrupt shithole on it's way to conquer Ukraine (which is, thankfuly, failing to do), but that does not make people living there "orcs". This kind of hate speach leads to severe dehumanisstion and eventual ethnic violence against the targeted group.

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Libretube - trust me

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Huh, ok, I get it now. I am sad to see the beehaw go. I actualy tried to make an account there but was rejected without notice for whatever reson. I will really miss their communities.

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Looking at this picture I can't help but notice that Trevor is maintaining trigger discipline... totaly unrealistic.

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Amazing work!

Isn't this a bit... weird?

This is just stupid. While Russia is plagued with misery in its history (both self inflicted and of the outside source) it, like all of humanity, had contributed great, positive things in culture and technological progress.

Far as I understand it, piped.video is just a frontend for youtube. It takes youtube clips and streams them.

Peer tube is a full on fediverse video-sharing platform. Actual alternative.

I mean there is a lot od good thinbgs to see, eat, and experience. It is also generaly safe and hospitable towards foreigners.

I agree with most of your points, but feel compelled to point out that much of this is theoretical for NATO. The Alliance has never fought an peer enemy, and it has little prospects to do it. Ukrainians lack some of the building blocks of NATO strategy, such as the air force you pointed out. Furthermore, there is nowhere to maneuver - its extremely static. It's much more WW1 than Iraq

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This is how the USSR defeated the Nazis at Leningrad.

You mean Stalingrad? Leningrad was a horrific siege, considered longest in modern history, that was only lifted in 1944 when German forces were thinned out by losses all over, most notably Kursk.

The Nazis had superior firepower but they literally ran out of bullets because there were so many Russians.

Also not true. This is a movie/game trope, but no historian worth their salt will ever say this. In 1941 the German army invading USSR was, with allies, actually more numerous than the soviets. Soviet army did win with the use of numbers, through, but also with some very innovative tactics and well executed combined-arms offensive.

Germans did not just fight until running out of bullets. In Stalingrad in particular, the 6th army was surrounded after operation Uranus, a two-pronged attack that destroyed the flanks of the German army, encircling it and than crushing them.

Perun's videos are always a treat.

Same body, two sets

Exacly! Really hope Europe stands with us gor a change.

I can hardly disagree with the Beehaw admins at this stage, but it's still a shame to see it happen.

I echo your statements.

That there are no extreme right wing/nazi elements in both sides of the Ukranian conflict.

Since the Russians used the dishonest method or calling their war "denazification", a "useful lie" for both sides was to claim their armed forces and government were completely clean and it is the other side boasts swasticas.

The sad truth is that full blowm nazism permiates in armed forces of both sides, and that both government have some very strong right wing revisionism going on (Russia is worse than Ukraine on this matter, but Ukraine is also far worse than most other countries on the continent regarding this)

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You anti-semites are anti-semites for calling us out as perpetrators of genocide! You can’t call Israel an apartheid state just because we sit on a people and murder them indiscriminately! We have a right to exist and a right to brutalize! You’re bad for saying that we do that! How can you call us murdering assholes when we’ve only been doing this out in the open for decades? You better stop, or we’ll kill more civilians!

Where is that quote from? I did not find it in the article...

I am very much pro UA om this war since day one - but there is no such thing as semi-encircled. Russians made the same claims in reverse few months back...

I am not sure I follow. If you can be in beehaw, choose to only watch your's instance, and engaging in other instances only when you want - what'd the downside? I feel like I am missing something.

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So they had the same law as the one Russia got flak for... since 2009?! While being in the EU. This kind of bullshit is why Russian propaganda can easily relativize the narrative. When they call out the West for double standards, they almost always seem to have an argument.

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