2 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, I miss r/Psoriasis, because I have auto-immune, and I miss r/AskDentist and r/AskMechanic and all the learning based subs basically.

A child won't learn anything from the vast majority of Hollywood films. It's storytelling not in the educational sense, but the entertainment sense.

The world is ready to fully transition away from that cancerous company.

20 more...

Historically connected rich person with average talent.

I'm absolutely there with you my friend. This place has a far higher potential than Reddit ever had by virtue of it's open source code and decentralised nature. You, I and others here, are riding the waves of history.

I doctored my bookmarks to exclude Reddit. On my phone I replaced it was Jerboa, which I was very impressed with as an alpha app. It's already better than Reddit's official app. I'm very guilty of doing the same like you. Launch up reddit then correct myself. I'm comitted to the move away.

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My man, that's exactly why you should do it. To inflict as much pain as possible on Reddit, especially if it disrupts them and others from problem solving. I too have used Reddit a great deal to solve issues. I recognise what you're saying, but somethings gotta give my friend. Reddit is a evil coporation that's feeding it's users to the wolves. Completely sabotaging their website and transfering here is in my opinion, the way forward. It's 10 steps backwards, in orders to make 100 steps forward.

Keep fighting the good fight boys. It's only a matter of time until either of these websites surpass all the others. Is there a way I can donate?

Listen, I explained Lemmy to my 66 year old boomer Dad and even he understood. You join one of the Lemmy instances and choose it as your home the same way you choose gmail as your email provider. Then you sub whatever community anywhere. It's not a big deal.

The way I see it, just like with many many many other open sourced projects such as Launchbox, or KeePass, or ShareX, or Libre Office, nothing starts out perfect. But you need to recognise there are hard working people trying to make this dream a reality. It's being worked on. What you are looking at is essentially a website in it's infancy still, and it's being built by the sheer will of the community. If people have patience, and understanding, things can work out just fine. This place is a paradise compared to Reddit. The Reddit corporation does not give a fuck. It wants your data, and to squeeze you for cash.

Lemmy isn't perfect, yet, but the best thing we can do is work together and make it the way we want it, and we can, nothing can stop us. It's open source, anyone can contibute. Donate. Post. Help the devs fix the bugs.

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This comment needs to be a lot higher.

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The death of Reddit will be a slow bleeding process. Expect waves. Not floods.

It's open source, they can code this in eventually for sure. I am not making a fuss. I'm patiently waiting for the very hard working founders of Lemmy to eventually carry out the will of the community.

They killed Aaron Swartz and close sourced Reddit. That was really the end. People such as the Lemmy founder, knew it which is why they built this, to free us from those power structures. Spez and people like him deserve to burn in their own special hell.

The great migration is here and we have to work as hard as possible now to preserve this work and freedom from such people. Spez and Reddit, is finished, if we will it so.

Fantastic, keep up the good work everyone!

The question is if it’ll take off, more or less.

It already has.

Fully agree.

Yes I'm aware of the history. The only way to kill cancer is excise it. Lemmy realistically can't take a full migration from Reddit but that needs to change. I too am super grateful. Part of me wonders if this platform could end the same way but given it's decentralised nature, I highly doubt it. Reddit was open source once. I really want this to succeed. Seize the means of communication.

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Sounds like Microsoft is about to find out the hard way.

Excellent news good job.

Yes, but this place is electronic and exists in an aether. It's possible to do at minimal costs.

The privacy movement can't sell out to private entities or all bets are off again, I think no advertisements is wholly nessasary. I think taking out Reddit is much more achievable than many people think. Yes it will take some money and resources.

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The money is coming from the community, which is why progress is slow. People don't have much money. It doesn't mean we should sell the soul of the project for a quick buck. Rome wasn't built in a day.

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What you said makes zero sense. Neoliberalism is distinctly NOT a left wing ideology. To even try and associate them makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about.

I would argue that eventually, yes, one will be able to google search Lemmy just like Reddit.

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Only Reddit neoliberal crybabies whine about "tankies". From what I can see it's mostly baseless accusations/smear campaign because as I said, they are crybabies who cannot deal with the real world. It's an open source project. His views are not relevant to the discussion and not particularly that uncommon outside of isolated Westerner bubbles. Spez the Reddit CEO was the moderator of a paedophile subreddit (jailbait) but nobody is up in arms about that or concerned about going back if the API changes are rolled back. Those people are as lost as old people who love FoxNews, Facebook or any other commercially charged propaganda vehicle.

These leftists you hate so much have done something good. They've seized the means of communication for you. It's open source and decentralised, it's up to you (the community) what to do with it. If you are hardstuck on this then I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but the dev ain't one.

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America is virtually a fascist state that crippled itself through capitalism. The Chinese leaders are laughing at America and the G7s decline. It is extremely disrespectful and idiotic of Biden to do this. The USA and the G7 are declining. BRICS, has overtaken them economically.

Mass starvation is a price we're willing to pay. End the subsidies... /s

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Should have brought a gun.

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