Russia has planted suspected explosives on Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant roofs, says Zelenskiy (cross post) to World – 190 points –

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Ah yeah, that totally looks like a reliable site that somebody without any brain damage would use as a source.

I don't need more evidence that your problem is with reading comprehension. This isn't a news source per se, this tells what the Russian state media reports about. It doesn't take much effort to corroborate that:

Speaking about brain damage.

You haven't collaborated anything, and the fact that you think that's collaboration further underscores my point. How about we look at what IAEA, who actually have people on the ground, have to say

I think you should take a break, walk outside for a bit, and hop back with a clearer mind. Your are arguing about… I don't know what about.

Fact: Russian newspapers are announcing that an attack by Ukraine on the ZNPP is imminent. It doesn't matter whether you trust Ukraine's account of it, because this is literally in the Russian newspapers:

My question is: (what THIS thread is about) from the viewpoint of a Russian propagandist, how can they make this story seem credible, (or, IOW, what would Ukraine's motive be) considering that this would hurt Ukraine the most.

Next time you can use less of your condescending tone and more of your reading time to post on point.

I think you should take your own advice, also try working on your reading comprehension while you're at it given that your link says Russia is worried that Ukraine would cause a provocation.

From a view point of a sane person who isn't guzzling Ukrainian propaganda out of a firehouse, it's pretty obvious that the Ukrainian offensive is a giant failure. Even western media now admits this. NATO summit is happening in a week, and Ukraine is desperate to get NATO involved directly in the conflict.

It's also pretty clear that the puppet regime in Ukraine doesn't care one bit about hurting their own country. If they did, they would've taken the peace agreement they were offered back in March.

Dude, I've been super polite, factual, and thorough with you. The context is, a thread started off a (light/teasing) comment of mine. All replies in it where on topic and on a similar light tone except yours. I showed. I explained. I re-explained to you why what you said (no matter whether I agreed or not) is off track, but you keep charging with partisan arguments.

By all means, keep going with your crusade, but you are just talking to yourself at this point and demonstrating that you are giving very little consideration to other's opinions and messages. Your time would be better employed doing something else is what I think.

You haven't been factual. You've been linking to Ukrainian propaganda sites claiming that Russia is going to blow up a nuclear power plant that they controlled. Apparently, you're unable to see how absurd that is, and the fact hat IAEA says there's no actual evidence to substantiate these claims doesn't give you a pause either. Here you are claiming that it's actually me that's off track.

By all means, keep going with your crusade, but you are just talking to yourself at this point and demonstrating that you are giving very little consideration to other’s opinions and messages. Your time would be better employed doing something else is what I think.

Meta: Anyone who claims Lemmy can't replace Reddit should just read this entire thread. I nearly forgot where I was for a moment there...

Lemmy is the new and improved Reddit. More chaos and less moderation!

linked to , Russia's state propaganda

You haven’t been factual. You’ve been linking to Ukrainian propaganda sites

well, I must owe you a lot of respect, and an apology. You absolutely, totally, tricked me into feeding the troll and kept the joke going on and on. You Sir are an absolute master, and a madlad. Well Done!

Or you really are dumb like a box of rocks. But I want to forget this thread on a positive note.

The RT link doesn't support your thesis, and you know perfectly well that I was referring to this propaganda site you referenced. You Sir are an absolute master, and a madlad. Well Done!

The only one who is as dumb as a bag of rocks here is the one who can't even keep track of all the bullshit he's spewing. 🤡

You never know when to stop, do you ^^

The RT link doesn’t support your thesis

You cannot even say what my thesis is, because you keep shifting goal posts and writing only for yourself.

My thesis, which I wrote 12 messages up thread, is that it would be silly for Ukraine to strike itself because they have the most to lose, and if the Russian propaganda really is claiming that, good luck shaping up a cover story that makes sense. You keep saying "no, it's not true, the source is not valid, …", because you really miss the forest for the tree.

It is indisputable that Russian Times (RT) reported that Ukraine might soon attack their nuclear power plant: fact. And furthermore, when you read the article, the Russian propaganda makes no effort as to explain what would be Ukraine's motive in doing that, which brings us back to my thesis (aha): this whole episode is laughably amateurish.

Your thesis is that Russia is going to blow up a nuclear power plant on their own territory. Meanwhile, if you think Ukrainian regime cares about people of Ukraine then you really haven't been paying attention. My favorite part is that you just keep doubling down on this by claiming that it would be silly for Ukraine to do this, but evidently don't have the cognitive capacity to understand that it would be even more silly for Russia.

We can certainly agree that your troll tactics are indeed laughably amateurish. You really don't know when to stop.

Your thesis is that Russia is going to blow up a nuclear power plant on their own territory.

Nope. Never said that. Never will unless reputable sources show evidence for it.

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