You cant even avoid irrelevant results with "site:" anymore to – 456 points –

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Google is just a ranked ad delivery service based on an abused and gamed SEO system, it's fucking awful for delivering useful links.

You're fooling yourself if you think Bing is any different, or that ChatGPT won't become the same thing. It's destiny is to be a smarter version of Alexa, only users will falsely assume neutrality it doesn't possess.

The only thing the others have over Google is they're not the primary focus of SEO, but that will change. SEO has devoured the corpse of Google search and waiting to determine what prey it should focus on next.

100% Google has been the best place to put effort it. If they slide down the popularity ladder then the next will become the zone of battle. I'm firmly of the belief that all options are temporary and on an eventual course of becoming bad, some faster than others. It's a case of being able to just adapt and move on. Be it google, reddit, netflix, whatever.

Time for a federated search engine?

Stop. Don't make federated the next crypto/blockchain

One thing with an AI-based search engines is that they might have better luck not getting influenced by SEO techniques. Like I can pretty reliably look at a website and determine if it's useful or just got to the top by gaming the search engine. It just takes time, and I'm sure some tools could help even more with that