federation test

DanQuix0te@feed.timeloop.tv to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 76 points –



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WTF it's not deleted in OP's instance: https://feed.timeloop.tv/comment/5896

In my instance it's deleted: https://c.calciumlabs.com/comment/166782

Edit: it's deleted in lemmy.world: https://lemmy.world/comment/862358

That's very strange. Once a post gets federated, can a user not delete it? Can it only be removed with a purge from the instance admin?

Not sure, may need to check the github repo to see if it's a know bug (or an actual feature).

Pretty sure I saw many deleted comments in my instance over the past few weeks, so surely deletion works, at least for some of them. If not, you can always edit the comment and clear the content to simulate deletion. I just edited this comment and I'll see if the edit shows up in your instance.

edit: yep, edit works

It can, but the deletion takes time to sync to all instances I believe