Incredible article explaining how to use Helix Editor to – 60 points –

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I was totally impressed by helix. I would suggest anyone starting new to start with helix instead of vim/neovim.

Hopefully helix would have plug-in system in near future.

I tried it out really early on, and was quite impressed. Out of the box, it’s quite solid. Reminded me a lot of my modded Zsh setup, vs a completely stock Fish, that did all of the same and more. Unfortunately for a proper development environment, the lack of plugins is where it ended for me

The main killers for me were the lack of anything like the treesitter text subjects (contextual treesitter objects) the lack of anything like leap nvim. But it lets all the stuff that's normally a bit of a headache to set up work out of the box.

Treesitter is now implemented. Setting up LSP was easier than in neovim. Now it feel fairly complete and ready for plugin system.

I'd tried a lot of vim alternatives, but helix was the first one that made me completely switch over.

Even without plugins it’s very much usable as a daily driver.