In what ways are people today being convinced to spend money beyond their means? to Ask – 181 points –

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where i live renting a small room is more expensive than all minimum starting salaries i have seen, and you also need to pay two months rent upfront, and the security deposit is equal to 12 months of rent and because of high inflation that means you are literally paying an extra months worth of rent just on the deposit alone (which goes up by inflation).

so people telling me how much life is worth living? cause that's certainly beyond my means.

security deposit is equal to 12 months of rent

Jeez. Why the hell are landlords asking for a downpayment on a home they are leasing?

Silly, that's a down payment for the next house to turn into a rental.

Because some tenants will just stop paying and refuse to leave. Some will trash the place and sell everything they can pry off and either disappear or just move on. Trying to go after them is a long legal battle and the end result can be that they have no money and you'll get nothing.

Security deposits are security deposits. 12 months sounds crazy though. That really is enough for a downpayment in many places.

cause they can, and it's a good source for an interest free loan. i mean who would pass on the opportunity to get an interest free loan where you can arbitrarily deduct the amount you owe?