
2 Post – 71 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

ah classic mistake of installing AUR packages on manjaro. been there done that. check your logs and search for errors, it probably overwrote/deleted some xorg config that you must either manually add back or regenerate. sorry i can't help further im a linux noobie but that was my issue when this happened to me.

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"i know you guys are upset at us fucking over all of you, but i assure you if you let us continue being petty tyrants with vast fortunes, we might give a marginally bigger sum of it back to the government, which will still spend it on whatever we tell it to anyway. win win!"

i don't want you to be more generous, i want you to be gone. if anyone proposed a plan that would actually affect them i doubt they would still support a wealth tax.

if there's one rule to modding valve games, it's "don't touch GabeN's hat and skin sales". TF2 despite being a real mess and valve's server being practically unplayable, still brings in millions of dollars of gambling money, and now that CS2 keys are not tradable TF2 keys are in demand for laundering money. of course they are gonna take down a direct remake of their live service game minus all the bots and shitty cosmetics.

there's no Queen of England though, Titan was just ahead of his time.

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i appreciate the human touch on the shoes lmao

why do you dislike it though?

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where i live renting a small room is more expensive than all minimum starting salaries i have seen, and you also need to pay two months rent upfront, and the security deposit is equal to 12 months of rent and because of high inflation that means you are literally paying an extra months worth of rent just on the deposit alone (which goes up by inflation).

so people telling me how much life is worth living? cause that's certainly beyond my means.

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by law i have to mention Disco Elysium. one of the best modern CRPGs you could ever play. its story and setting is fantastic. don't buy it pirate it if you can the developer studio fell prey to a hostile takeover scheme and the original developers were forced out, they won't see a cent of it.

don't know anything about watch dogs legion though it seemed like your average ubisoft triple A (aka shit) so i haven't played it.

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genuinely asking how does it restrict your freedom?

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i'm still in uni so i can't really comment about how's the job market reacting or is going to react to generative AI, what i can tell you is it has never been easier to half ass a degree. any code, report or essay written has almost certainly came from a LLM model, and none of it makes sense or barely works. the only people not using AI are the ones not having access to it.

i feel like it was always like this and everyone slacked as much as they could but i just can't believe it, it's shocking. lack of fundamental and basic knowledge has made working with anyone on anything such a pain in the ass. group assignments are dead. almost everyone else's work comes from a chatgpt prompt that didn't describe their part of the assignment correctly, as a result not only it's buggy as hell but when you actually decide to debug it you realize it doesn't even do what its supposed to do and now you have to spend two full days implementing every single part of the assignment yourself because "we've done our part".

everyone's excuse is "oh well university doesn't teach anything useful why should i bother when i'm learning ?" and then you look at their project and it's just another boilerplate react calculator app in which you guessed it most of the code is generated by AI. i'm not saying everything in college is useful and you are a sinner for using somebody else's code, indeed be my guest and dodge classes and copy paste stuff when you don't feel like doing it, but at least give a damn on the degree you are putting your time into and don't dump your work on somebody else.

i hope no one carries this kind of sentiment towards their work into the job market. if most members of a team are using AI as their primary tool to generate code, i don't know how anyone can trust anyone else in that team, which means more and longer code reviews and meetings and thus slower production. with this, bootcamps getting more scammy and most companies giving up on junior devs, i really don't think software industry is going towards a good direction.

wait until they ban that too with these ghouls you never know.

this will be an interesting example of the cobra effect though.

it's called being a monopoly.

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it's completely ok to not like or even hate wayland but this ain't it. i don't know if that's true, but even if wayland is so shit that every compositor needs a separate compatibility patch i still don't see how that's restricting your freedom or app developers' freedom or any kind of freedom. if it's so cumbersome to support wayland then devs won't support it and people won't use it. no one is forcing anyone to do anything no one is ruling through software even if apps drop xorg in a free software environment people can pay developers to keep maintaining for xorg.

personally im fine with machine learning, what I don't like is "AI", a new marketing buzzword that justifies every shitty corporate exec decision and insane company evaluations.

getting multiplayer working on a pirated copy really depends on how the game handles multiplayer itself. in general you can divide them into these categories based on how you pirate them:

the easiest ones would be games that allow community or self-hosted servers. getting multiplayer working on them is essentially just cracking the game itself and turning off a few validation checks. if you wanna play with your friend it can be as simple as checking a tick box when creating a new game, although some games have a separate server binary and you probably need a static ip and other complications that arise when you wanna host a server. these games usually have communities that host servers for everyone and some of them can be as active as the original game's server or even more. this would also probably disable any anti-cheat that the game might have so they may force the players connecting to have a separate anti cheat. some examples that i've played would be older valve games and minecraft. most game these days don't use this model though.

a little harder would be games that only work over LAN. these also don't need anything special done to them and if you genuinely get people on the same network you can actually play together, however in this day and age gathering people around on the same place can be quite hard, and also if your group is large enough your router may not be able to handle it, not to mention you can't play with strangers online. that's why you need an extra layer of software to simulate people being on the same LAN. the ones i have worked with are Hamachi and GameRanger. these tend to be very finicky about the exact version everyone is using so make sure to have the exact version with the exact patch number. these tend to be much older games, mostly strategy games since that was the most popular genre at the time, although early fps games are also LAN based. the games in the previous category also usually have LAN support. some examples i remember would be borderlands 2, age of empires 2 and stronghold crusader.

the biggest category today would be peer-to-peer (p2p) games which use p2p connections as the main way to communicate. in these games one of the clients usually acts out as the host while others connect to it over the internet. some of them might not even have a host and everyone connects to everyone else... and it's all a giant mess that you really shouldn't care about. what you should care about is that these games are way much trickier since game clients need to find each other, be aware of each other and send stuff to each other at all times, therefore most of these games usually use third party APIs do all the syncing. this makes it harder to play them online since they also use these APIs to check if the game is genuine or not. wouldn't it be nice if we could take a free game that uses one of these APIs, send our requests as if we were playing that game so the validations checks wouldn't happen? since most games on PC release on steam we can use the steam API (steamworks) to play them. these games need to be patched in order to pass off the game's requests as if it came from another app. these patches are usually called steam-fix or online-fix patches, and most of them use the Space Wars game which is an example game that valve uses in their documentation to explain how their API works, and developers can use it in order to test out their game to see if it's compatible with steamworks or not (some patches might use a different game like cube racer or TOXIKK but these are rare). that's why it works since it's all exposed and it has a legitimate use so valve is unlikely to nuke it. most modern games that can't afford dedicated servers (usually indies but sometimes big games) use this method instead. i've played too many games this way but the most recent example was lethal company.

last but not least is games that use dedicated servers. unfortunately you can't play most of these since the server is closed source and no one can host their own server except for the game developers. however some games have had their source leaked, or someone has gone through and painstakingly recreated the game and emulated the server of these games. they are called "private servers" and you can usually find people hosting these, or even host one yourself since most of them tend to be open source. most of them don't work with the ordinary cracked version of the game but rather have their own special clients. be careful with these since you are trusting the host to actually be secure and most of them are not and you might get your data leaked. most of these private servers tend to be for MMOs since recreating a game demands a very dedicated player base over a long period of time. the most famous example are WOW private servers, specifically Warmane servers which have their own ecosystem.

there are also some oddities here and there that don't neatly fit in these categories. you can't play most emulated games online, but some emulators have networking functionality and with modified ROMs you can to play multiplayer, some emulators are purpose built to just play one game really well (like slippi for super smash bros melee), some games originally didn't have online play at all but someone patched it in etc etc.

TL;DR: there are some general ways that you can get multiplayer on a game working, but it depends on the game. if the game can't have a steamworks patch or it can't work with LAN, then you need game specific ways of making it work. if there's a way, someone has posted about it online so don't be afraid to look for it. i'm sorry about the length of this comment hope it helps.

playing online games for free and not needing subscriptions is a huge one. these days they try to justify it with attaching free games or some other kind of live service so i don't discount the value of them nowadays but it's still mind blowing to me how for almost two generation they got away charging for online play without barely doing anything but being the monopoly man.

the great thing about PC is its flexibility and if you don't want or need flexibility consoles are a good choice but i think more and more people are appreciating the flexibility PC platforms have.

ah now it makes sense why teens today on tiktok agree with bin laden!! /s

(the whole bin laden thing was just sensational media bullshit that blew up after media started saying it was happening)

Roku is a pioneer in most of this crap but don't be fooled to think that only cheap stuff is gonna have these and that somehow you are safe if you spend a lot on your TV. as it turns out high end and average TV producers would also like to squeeze the tiniest profit margins out of their consumers and if they could get away with it they would do the same.

in fact nowadays most TVs regardless of price are actually collecting and selling your data and in the best case it's an opt out option in the worst possible place in the menu.

would've been funnier if it was the 2fort cow

well it's half mountainous half desert. Tehran's north is on the mountainside and it gradually transitions to desert on the south side.

we call it the Naser's slide lmao. although the positions are switched.

the first few minutes is a lizard voice monologuing in a black void lmao. you are definitely not going to play it for its gameplay value.

here we are getting some limited "5G" (bandwidth is fucked it's basically early 4G speeds but with a 5G written at the top) here and there, but most cable connections are still on ADSL2. if you want fibre you have to pay for replacing the cables and congratulations now your bandwidth maybe increased from 8 Mbps to 16 Mbps but now your data cap costs are twice more expensive and you basically limited your choice to 1 or 2 ISPs.

the irony is now that almost everyone are on the mobile network the speeds are basically the same as landline connections but data caps are much more expensive. internet here is just fucked.

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too many and i've just been awake for two hours.

ah sorry it's more accurate to say it can "break" your xorg config cause that was my case. looking at this package it has libgl as one of its dependencies. as i have said i'm not familiar with how exactly it works but it can probably mess with your graphics drivers.

hey no worries i'll be interested to hear what you have to say if you think about it more. my point wasn't just apple bashing i just don't think adoption of this specific product will not be good, regardless of who its custodian is.

also just a point if you can spend 3500$ on this you are either financially irresponsible or absolutely rich, both in the US context where more than 50% 60% of people are living paycheck to paycheck, and in the global context where the percentage of people that can afford this with ease is basically a rounding error.

oh so that's why they tried hard to push subscription numbers up. a new set of owners. who could've guessed?

purely as an end user i hate how much it downloads with each update and how much it uses the disk space although that's much less of an issue. i know it's solving a real problem and relieving a lot of the headaches of developers maintaing packages for each distro's specific package standard, but it's simply not the software distribution solution for people without at least well enough internet.

i wouldn't use any distro with flatpaks as its main way of delivering software and i would in almost all cases always choose alternatives even if it's outdated. i don't necessarily hate flatpak itself but for me i don't want to spend money on extra data cap and wait 30 minutes for a small update for my game launcher to finish.

the appimage of one of the applications i was interested in was 3 times less than the average flatpak update so redownloading the appimage every time would be better. if i installed more packages yeah the math would be better but it's still wasted data per update no matter how small it actually is. i found out after a while of using flatpak that i wouldn't just update and was stuck with outdated software anyway.

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Albion online seems like a good fit for you, although based on your location your ping will massively vary since they only have a few centralised servers.

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is your country a member state in WTO? are your copyright laws compatible with that of the US? does your country recognise foreign copyright claims from the countries that your pirated media comes from?

your worst risk as someone who just pirates safe media for personal consumption is getting a letter from your isp and that only happens if there are laws against it on the books and your isp feels threatened. if your country simply doesn't enforce its copyright laws it's unlikely you'll be chosen to be punished to set an example (they'll most certainly target notorious distributors) and your chance of getting sued by a media company amongst thousands of potential defendants in what i assume is a third world country is almost non existent.

lmao yeah. long live Mokhaberat

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if you're in one of the "far-left" instances or unmoderated instances that are sources of spam, you're probably gonna get judged, otherwise no. i didn't know lemmy.ml had this reputation and made my account here as well but i don't really mind since i don't have that many issues with moderation here.

"a normal guy without any politic side" is a very political position and i suggest you find an instance that agrees with that position since a very important filter on what you can or can not see is the admins of the instance you are using. i doubt you are missing much on lemmy.ml but you can always try other instances and see which communities they have there that isn't present on lemmy.ml.

as a side note lemmy is, disappointingly, just another digital social media platform but federated. you're still gonna see people fight, throw their opinions at each other and in general talk about politics. a large segment of people on lemmy are either reddit refugees or people that were rejected from other social media. yes on average people here tend to be older and more educated compared to general population that use the internet, but most people here are outside the "norm".

got some free time so i made my mission to beat all zachtronics games. right now i'm playing EXAPUNKS. finishing the levels are doable although requires a bit of trial and error, but getting good scores let alone perfect ones is a nightmare. highly recommend it to anyone that wants a great challenging puzzle game.

heavy. heavy is good. i like heavy. sandvich.

nothing that jagex does can entice me to use their client aside from banning runelite. don't know why the went through all the trouble of just recreating runelite but worse and without all the plugin support

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ez it's هیویی، دیویی و لویی.

i have played return of the obra dinn. it's one of the greatest puzzle games i've played and i feel like most people that have played it say the same. actually solving all identities is legitimately hard, the story is interesting and the presentation is top notch. not an adventure game as i would define it but i highly recommended playing it to everyone that haven't played it.

played almost all ace attorney games. i got nothing bad against them but honestly the plot is really frustrating i don't know how i played through all of them.

Disco Elysium was an awesome game it is one of my top 10 games for sure. it's funny, emotional, bizarre or thought provoking when it needs to be, delivered in such a style it's hard to match.

haven't heard of Pentiment will definitely check it out.

from your comment it seems like you think they deserved to die, and immediately copy pasted your wall of text when someone accused you of racism. not a good look i must say.

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you are a genocide denier, you cannot be reasoned with. as for anyone else that might even slightly agree with this person i recommend you to watch this video Gaza: A Clear Case of Genocide which is a legal analysis based on the internationally recognized definition of genocide and case law.

this videos answers whether or not actions of Hamas are relevant (it's not), do palestinians in gaza constitute whole or a part of a group (they do), whether or not israeli leaders have genocidal intent (which can be established based on repeated and systematic conduct and war crimes as well as countless statements and revealed plans), and if their acts are covered under the genocide convention (they are).

if you want to "get into actually debating the genuine issue" here you are. the reason i say you cannot be reasoned with is that your response is simply the stupidest thing i have read in a while. when someone cannot even concede that palestinians in gaza are in fact part of a group, they are simply not arguing with good faith, or even bad faith, they are not even arguing just putting their head in the sand and shitting as loudly as possible on the other end in hopes of silencing others.