Biden Threatens to Veto Bill That Would Help Israel but Not Ukraine to – 641 points –
Biden Threatens to Veto Bill That Would Help Israel but Not Ukraine

President Biden vowed on Monday to veto a House Republican bill that would provide $17.6 billion in aid to Israel, calling it a “cynical political maneuver” intended to hurt the chances of passage for broader legislation that would provide money for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and the U.S. border.

House Republicans fiercely oppose the larger bill, which was unveiled by a small, bipartisan group of senators over the weekend. It calls for $118.3 billion in spending and would overhaul some of the nation’s immigration laws to deal with recent surges of migrants at the southern border.



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It’s hilarious that you think that’s actually what he wants.

Then what do you think he wants?

You realize there are no “good guys” in that war, right? There’s a grey area and a shit ton of nuance to it all. Not to mention a shit ton of history. Only a child sees this as a “which side should I chose be on” situation, and then goes to the intern to beat people over the head with their choice.

For the record, when I was much younger, I was an idealist also. And like the kids today, I also had no idea what I was taking about.

Nowhere did i say that there is a "good guy".

Israel can only continue to subjugate the Palestinians in Gaza to these inhumane conditions, if they receive continued support from the US. All public calls for moderation have been ignored or renounced, yet the US continues to increase its military aid to Israel. Israel is not only facing a case of genocide, where the highest court of the world deemed it "plausible" that Israel is committing genocide and also demanded specific actions and omissions to prevent genocide by Israel. High ranking Israeli officials, including the President, the Prime Minister, the minister of Defence and high ranking army officials have been explicitly called out by the ICJ for a rhetoric that is indicative of genocidal intent.

If a child is told by its parents not to set things on fire, but at the same time is given another lighter and gasoline, it is clear that the parents do want the child to continue. Even more so as many other parents have told the child to stop and the parents defended their child against those people.

The US has all the means to stop Israel. Instead they are enabling Israel even further. If you want nuance, don't just look at the words. Look at the actions taken.

You're refusing to answer the question:

What does Biden specifically want re: Gaza?

I’m not qualified to know- which is why I don’t make assumptions. I cannot begin to understand politics at that level and what happens behind closed doors. And neither do you. I at least know that he doesn’t want genocide.

But don’t let this stop you from creating a narrative.

So your point is that no one should criticize the United State despite the truth being ambiguous. Makes sense.

Maybe you should familiarize yourself with why the International Court Justice ruled that Israel was plausibly committing a genocide. Perhaps that would clear some things up for you

ROFL… that’s not my point at all, and the fact that this is what you’re taking from it clearly indicates that you’re far too ignorant for this discussion.

Your point is that only highly informed elites may criticize the United States. Which is incredibly snobbish and is a tactic to terminate all dissent.

Strike two. You got one more swing. Make it count.

Your initial point was that no one here should criticize the United States/Biden because we aren't in those meetings. Now your point is that anyone who pushes back against you will be blocked. I'm not sure what you're looking for

That’s strike three.

My initial point is that NEITHER of us definitely know what’s going on enough to accurately say what Biden is thinking, or what reasons he has to do what he’s doing. That’s it. You’re calling shit like you’re Biden’s biographer.

You’re not.

And when did I say I was going to block you? You clearly like to assume you know shit about people and things that you clearly know nothing about. Maybe try to stop doing that moving forward.

I'm sick of hearing people say "there are no good guys" in this war, what does that even mean to you?

It means neither side is innocent. It’s pretty self-evident.

But it's not just Hamas being slaughtered, all of Palestine is targeted by the IDF. There are other groups besides Hamas fighting. And there is one side who is stealing land and killing record numbers of children and aid workers, and has been for decades.

Cool, so that’s one side of it- you’re forgetting to include the killing done by the other side.

I'm not forgetting that, I pointed out that multiple groups have been attacking Israel. Yes, resistance fighters have used terrorism against Israel and bombed civilians, I'm not condoning these actions, but the people fighting for freedom from Israel don't have many resources at their disposable. Struggles against Apartheid and Nazi occupied France for example also resulted in civilian deaths.